Chapter 7

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Dib didn't speak to me the next morning. I wasn't fazed at all. After the event yesterday I wasn't sure what to make of him. So my relationship with Dib was starting to go downhill and meanwhile my relationship with Zim was improving.

Of course, I didn't want to lose Dib as a friend. He was a great friend. But I don't like how protective he is over me. It's nice that he wants the best for me and he wants me to he safe but I know what I'm doing with my life.

But now I guess I'm just struggling...

Not only did I need to fix this between Dib and I, but I needed to prove to Dib that I am capable of protecting myself. And I may need Zims help.

So Dib thinks of Zim as a threat. Maybe, if I convince Zim to help me, he could act like a threat to me infront of Dib and I could protect myself. Of course, afterwards I'd have to say to Dib that it was acting. But atleast I would've proved myself right.

In a way, it's a win : win.

Dib won't have to stress about me, and I won't have a creepy, stalker of a friend. But I may have to speak with Gaz before anything. And I had planned to do that today. It would be too risky having to speak with her on the phone since her family and or Dib could eavesdrop on our conversation. So I planned on having her to come over to my house. My parents didn't mind, they were hardly in anyway.

I just don't think it's the right plan....

"Do you think I was overreacting last night?" I asked Gaz.

I did say I was going to talk to her before anything, right? Yeah, so that's what I'm doing right now.

"You're just paranoid (Y/N). I wouldn't say you overreacted, especially since I know what you've been through." Gaz tried reassuring me.

So, let me explain the main reason I was shaken last night.

You see, something happened years ago. I was an 8 year old and was clueless. It wasn't anything severely bad, but it was going to spiral into something bad. So my father had a perverted friend. And old man, a groomer. So as you may have guessed, our relationship wasn't the best. It was far from good. When he first brought him over for a drink, things weren't so bad or anything. His first impression on me was far from the truth. It kind of proves that I can be oblivious. So, first it was minor things like cat calling. The reason I'm saying it's minor is because I had no idea what he meant. Now I do...

The things is, he tried something on me. But before that, he would stalk me. Creepy fact is that my dad knew all about this but did nothing about the situation.

After the cat calling, he stalked me for days. And I was of course, unknown to this. I was blinded. The day I had caught him, however, I was with my mother. It was the first time I'd ever saw her worry so much.

Just because I'm distant with my mother doesn't mean she doesn't care about me. She cares about me very much, but rarely shows it.

So that proves a lot.

"I'll talk to Dib for you..." Gaz said. That made me smile.

"Thanks Gaz...." She did nothing but give me a thumbs up. She also smiled a little, which was rare.

After that, we parted ways.

Of course, the walk home was terrifying for me. I was so paranoid from yesterday and kept stopping every few minutes looking from one side to another.

I hope Gaz kept her word about talking to Dib.

I remembered exactly what I told Dib yesterday. That I was capable of protecting myself. But I wasn't so sure that it was the truth.

I just felt so defenceless at the moment.....

"I need to get over myself....."

I closed my diary and placed it onto my desk with the rest of my school notes and unfinished homework. I needed a break, homework can wait.

"The past is the past... I can't change that..."

I went on YouTube. I decided to try meditating for a while. I had never tried this method of calming down before because I rarely needed it.

And I don't think it worked well for me..

The trauma was still on my mind...

I needed something else. I needed the comfort of another person, so I called (BFF/N). I usually never phoned them, but considering it was urgent, I had to. Gaz was probably talking to Dib by now, and Dib was obviously not able to comfort me. Zim was definitely not the type of person to go to, since he didn't seem to know to know what went on. So I called my best friend from (Birth Place). They know the whole phoning schedule, so they answered.

"Hey...." I spoke. We were both on video chat, and I think (BFF/N) noticed the bags underneath my eyes.

"What's wrong?" They frowned. I smiled slightly, not feeling any change of emotion. But because I was glad that I had someone to talk to.

"You remember my dads perverted friend, right?" I had never mentioned this, but I met him at 4 years old so (BFF/N) was very familiar with the guy. They nodded. "Well, I get anxious about similar events. I'm sure he didn't mean it like that, but Dib was following me yesterday.."

They eyed the camera, a suspicious gaze on her face.

"Yeah... So, I met this guy named Zim, and Dib hates his guts! Personally, Zim doesn't seem dangerous, but to Dib, he is..."

(BFF/N) took a sip of their bottled water and layed down on their bed, showing you their face.

"Have you tried to get both Zim and Dibs point of view?" They asked.

I shook my head, now laying on my bed.

"You should probably talk to them tomorrow. I suggest you talk with Zim first. I can tell you don't like the idea of having to talk to Dib for now."

I nodded at that.

I swear, most of my friends can really read me like a book. It was true, I didn't feel like talking to Dib for a while. Although Gaz did say she was going to talk to him today... I might have to text her later.


The call went silent for about a minute, until (BFF/N) broke the silence.

"Dib could be going yandere for you (Y/N)!" Ah yes. The total weeb of my best friend. This comment made me laugh. We both knew this wasn't true since Dib never showed any signs of feelings towards me. I liked it that way though.

"Wow (BFF/N)! I thought you'd say something like that!"

Soon enough, we had to end the call.

To be honest, I wished we called eachother more often. Our conversations were nice.

Before heading off to bed, I remembered a quote from a film I had watched when I was little. I remembered it briefly..

The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it.

Thanks lion king for this message~

Word count : 1246 words


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