Chapter 2

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Mondays. I never liked them. Mondays are exhausting, and I'm exhausted!

School was really something. Now, I'm not quick to judge, but there was this weird new guy who apparently has a skin condition. Dib belives he's an alien, I say he could be onto something. I've never heard of a skin condition that makes your skin green, and that makes you have no ears. I don't believe that, especially if he can hear Dib clearly. If you have no ears, or if you're deaf, then you can't hear. So if this 'Zim' person has no ears, how can he hear?

Anyway, enough of me rambling about the weird situation, and how about you see for yourself!

No drama today, nothing at all. The only thing being whispered around the place was something about a new kid joining my class. It did make me wonder what they were like. Other than that, nothing really happened until we had our final lesson of the day. And as we all know, it was our 'favourite class'. Ms. Bitters, what a 'sweet' teacher she was....

I sat by my desk as students normally do, Ms. Bitters was just rambling and taking the register. You know, normal teacher stuff. Thankfully, the boring lesson was interupted by the sound of the door opening. I wanted to thank whoever that was for interupting Ms. Bitters teaching. I think everyone else did too. I don't like to judge others, but this weird looking alien guy walked into the class. He had green skin for crying out loud!! He had dark hair, and big eyes. And what on earht was he wearing!? I feel bad, I feel like I'm picking on him, I shouldn' be doing that. It's not a great first impression for me.

"Class, I would like to introduce the newest, hopeless appendage to the student body." Ms. Bitters said, not caring at all. 'So he's the new student everyone was talking about earlier' I thought.

"His name is Zim." Ms. Bitters looked directly at Zim. "Zim, if you have something to say, say it now. Because after this moment..." Ms. Bitters, went close to Zims face, poor guy. "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANOTHER SOUND FROM YOU!!"

I never noticed how long her neck was.

Zim didn't even look shocked, I'm surprised.

He fiddled with his fingers, then waved.

"Hello friends! I am a perfectly normal human worm baby. You have NOTHING absolutely nothing to fear from me! Just pay no attention to me and we'll get along just fine!" Zim introduced himself to the class.

I took a moment and looked away to see if Dib had anything to say about this. I think he was speachless, it almost made me laugh. HE almost made me fall out of my chair.

Dib looked absolutely stunned! His mouth was wide open, and so was his eyes. He sat there, shocked while pointing at Zim.

"Take your seat now Zim." He did as he was told, walking towards an empty seat next to me. Someone else was sitting there, but they were absent.

"Todays lecture is about outer space." This sounds interesting for once. "And how it will eventually implode in on itself." Nevermind.

I looked around the classroom, clearly not wanting to hear another sad rant from my teacher. I saw that Zim stood on his chair with his hand up. Only just now had I realised how short he was.

"Yes Zim.?"

"IN the event of say a full scale alien invasion, how prepared do you think this planets defences would be? tell me...."

What an odd question. Actually, minus the odd, it goes with the subject. But I don't think Ms. Bitters would talk about an alien invasion, that's child stuff.

I was right. Ms. Bitters wasn't interested at all, she was ignoring him.

"As I was saying, the universe is just doomed, doomed....doomed......."

I don't think many people saw this, but it made me gag. A bug crawled up Ms. Bitters face and under her glasses. The ones who noticed this, me and some others, looked disgusted by this, then looked away behind us. That was until Dib spoke up. I thought he might of noticed the bug and had decided to speak up on it. But no, it was much worse. He started mocking the new student.

"Okay......Am I the only one here who sees the alien sitting in class!?" Dib started. Everyone looked around but me, and shrugged their shoulders. If he was talking about Zim, I wouldn't say he was an alien, but he was a weird looking guy. Not to be rude or anything.

He pointed right at Zim.

"THERE!......RIGHT THERE!" Dib raised his voice. How was the teacher tolerating this?

'Here we go again...' I thought, rolling my eyes.

"That is no kid! HE'S AN ALIEN! AN ALIEN!!! ONE OF THE MONSTERS I'VE BEEN TALKING ABOUT!!" Now everyone, including me, looked directly at Zim. He started sweating... a lot.....

"He's here to conquer earth!!!"

Zims hand was at his wrist thing. I don't know what to call it. But it said something along the lined of 'SELF DESTRUCT'. Was he about to press it. He seemed to be planning on it, that was until he had a tap on his shoulder.

"Oh not this again! You're crazy!"

Ignoring her, Dib carried on with his speech.

"What about his horrible green head!!!???" Now this was something that could be explained.

"FOOL BOY!! It's a skin condition."

Zim kept looking al over the classroom.

"AND HE'S GOT NO EARS!! Is that part of your 'skin condition' Zim!? NO EARS!?!?!?" Dib shouted.

Zim genuinly looked embarrassed.

"..yes....." He replied. Then shot a glare at Dib.

Ok.. now I really needed to say something about this...

"Dib, that's just cruel! You can't say that to him! Treat him with respect for godness sake!! He's new and should not be treated that way at all! No matter what he's planning!!"

Zim looked at me, and softened his gaze. He smiled a little bit, and that made me feel happy.

"FINE! But all of you... One day, you're going to regret what you said (Y/N)!!"

"ENOUGH ALREADY!!" The teacher silenced us. Thank god. I smiled at Zim.

I was actually glad the teacher said something for once. It made Dib shut up. I like Dib, but not when he gets like this.

With the way Dib was acting, the end of the day was no different. I walked out of class, my bag strap on one of my shoulders, the other dangling. I wanted to escape this prison as quickly as possible. But I had to find Dib. We always walked home together. I looked everywhere for him but couldn't find him. And when I checked again, there he was.... with Zim. They were talking about something but I couldn't hear them clear enough. And when I thought things couldn't get worse, Dib started chasing Zim down the street.

"Oh gosh..." I smacked my fourhead. "I can't be dealing with this right now!!"

I had no other choice but to follow Dib. There were 2 reasons why. 1. I needed to stop Dib from chasing Zim. And 2. I'm going over to Dibs house tonight. What an exercise for me! Note the sarcasm for me please. Thank you.

Then, I started to run. And it was one heck of a journey. It was the exact way that would take me home. And when Dib stopped running, I realised that the odd building I woke up to yesterday is Zims house.

So that guy that walked into the house last night, that was Zim. But who was his pet?

Word count : 1296 words


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