Chapter 17

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I never went to school yesterday, and neither did Zim. It would've been to complicated otherwise since I slept over his. Plus, I didn't have anything on me. Plus, I had to apologise to my mum, but then I couldn't apologise properly because she seemed like a mess. No offence to her. But it's true.

Despite me missing school yesterday, I had no choice but to go back today. And like any other person, I was definitely not happy. I was more interested in figuring out what was wrong with my mum yesterday. It's been on my mind all day and night, it still is now. The only thing that I could think about was that since I've never seen my mum so pained about something before. I started thinking, maybe she got fired. I mean, she did just arrive back from work. Or maybe she-

"(Y/N)!" Gaz yelled right in my ear, making me gasp and fall off of my chair. It was lunch time, and all I could do was think-

-and fall, thanks to Gaz. I mentioned she could read me like a book a while ago. You might have guessed that Gaz could read what was on my mind. If you did, yes, you're correct.

"You're thinking." I nodded at Gaz. "About your mom?" I nodded again. "What happened?"

"Where should I start?" I thought to myself, saying what was on my mind so Gaz could hear me. "A few nights ago, my mother kicked me out so I stayed at Zims-"

"YOU STAYED AT ZIMS-" I nudged her quiet hard in the stomach so that she didn't blurt it out to everyone in the room. Cleary that failed, but they didn't hear her anyway.

"As I was saying... Then, I came back home sometime in the afternoon."

"Is that why you didn't come to school yesterday?"

I nodded at Gaz. She hardly asks many questions.

"Mhm." I smiled, but soon frowned, knowing how my mum acted last night. "My mum wasn't home by the time I arrived back, so I waited in my room for a few hours. And when she came back, I heard her scream and slam the front door. To me, she was frustrated. But I don't really know. Anyway, what do you think Gaz?"

"Hm....." Gaz seemed to be thinking for a few minutes. And after her short period of thought, she came back to reality. "I think you should try and cheer her up, ask her if she wants to talk about what happened. If she says no, then just respect the decison."

It seemed like a good idea that I could follow. But I just know that she'll end up not wanting to tell me, and I hated secrets that were kept from me. If my mum won't tell me anything, then It'll be on my mind for ages. Plus, it'll prove that we don't have a stable mother + daughter relationship. It's a bad sign if you don't come to good terms with anyone in your family. And right now, that was me. That needed to be changed, today.

Maybe she got fired, maybe she didn't. I just wanted to know what happened. Even if it was subtle hints, that's okay!

"Heyy mother!" I awkwardly greeted my mum after closing the front door. Though we didn't greet eachother face to face yet.

"Hello (Y/N)." Mum replied. She had no interest at all, but I was determined to make her have interest.

"... How are you feeling..?" I walked into the living room. Now we could see eachother properly. She just sat on the couch eating a huge tub of ice cream that was supposed to be mine!


Gosh, she was acting like a moody teenager. And that's weird to say about your mum. She's a middle aged woman for gods sake!

"Alright mum." I replied, simply not buying her reply to my question. In no way whatsoever would her behaviour be called 'fine'. She looked depressed! I snatched the tub of ice cream off of her hands. She tried grabbing it, but I easily got away with it, putting the tub in the kitchen.

Once I got back into the living room, I grabbed a stack of cards. Just a simple game of 'snap' with my mum. That possibly cannot do any harm.

"Alright mum. Just a simple game of snap." I stacked the cards into equal piles while my mum sat on the ground opposite me. "But here's the deal. If I win, you tell me what's wrong and I do everything to cheer you up! And if you win, you don't tell me what's wrong. Either way, I'm helping you feel better!"

She looked up at me and smiled. Must've felt nice for her, knowing her daughter cared. And although I can barely remember the last time she's treated me like this, she's my mother. My family. My blood. And I wanted her to be happy. Not all gloomy.

"Okay.." She looked at the all the cards layed out. The both of us looked determined to win the game. I let her go first since I felt like it. When she tried, she didn't end up getting her first pair. But hey, neither did I. And this went on for a while. Until I managed to get my first pair.

I mentally cheered for myself. I was now in the lead. Now I was winning the game.

I only wondered who'd win.

The game carried on for about 8 minutes until the winner was finally revealed. It was my lucky day today and I won the game of snap against my mum. And that meant she was to tell me what's wrong. But heres the part I like as well as I despise.

The victory was great, but now I felt outright bad for her. I mean, she seemed upset thinking about it, and now saying it was even worse.

"Well...." She took deep breaths. She shedded a tear, wiped it off her face. Before finally saying the words.

"Your father isn't with us anymore...."

Word count : 1028 words


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