Chapter 3

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So, I did the usual. I wen't to Dibs place after the chase...

Me and Dib started to make our way to his house. The walk was mainly quiet, but I couldn't keep it in anymore. I just had to speak up.

"Why Dib!?" I blurted out that question. He looked at me, and was obviously confused. So he tilted his head. "Why chase Zim!? I mean, I get that you think he's an alien but there was no need for that surely!"

I now looked angry.

And Dib, well, I couldn't really tell what he felt like.

Dib just sighed.

"I don't know.... I just want to prove to myself that I'm right." He replied. "After that, I might prove to everyone else that he's an alien too."

I felt like arguing, but I didn't say anything until we got to his room. I didn't want to start an arguement.

After a while, we got to his place. And he knew from that minute he got into his room, that I was about to ask a series of questions.

"But really Dib. Was the chase necessary?" I asked him. He shook his head and looked down. I felt guilty for some reason, he looked genuinely sad and I felt like it was my fault. I think it is my fault. And I don't know what I've done.

"Why didn't you defend me in class today (Y/N)? It made me look like a complete fool......." Dib asked, his eyes were starting to tear up. Now I remember.....

Without answering him, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and started to pat his back. I couldn't see Dib at the moment, but I could hear him sniffle and try his best not to cry. I really had to apologise.

"I'm really sorry Dib.... Honestly, I don't know why I did that...." It was at that moment he started to cry.....

I felt really bad last night. But could you blame me?

The main reason was because he was making fun of somebody. It's not like Dib to do such a thing. Somebody had to defend Zim at some point. And that 'somebody' was me.

Oddly enough, the teacher was slightly late for todays lesson. So while the other students were rambling some shit, I just sat there bored out of my mind. Zim sat next to me and I felt like talking to him, but he didn't even look at me once today. Brian wasn't here yet, which was a relief. Not that he's bad or anything, but he' supossed to be sitting in Zims seat.

I may have spoke to soon about Brian.

He was right there, walking towards me and Zim.

Then he looked at me.

"(Y/N), who's this?" He asked.


"MY NAME IS ZIM. Can I help you worm baby?"

Brians face was priceless. He had never heard such a nickname. He then walked up to me.

"Why didn't you tell this 'Zim' guy that this seat was occupied?" I shrugged my shoulders. He scoffed and walked back to Zim.

"Can you please move off my seat?" He asked Zim nicely. Zim, ignoring Brians manners, shook his head.

I sighed.

"Sorry Brian... Zim, you can sit in my seat. I'll move next to Dib."

The both of them agreed and moved seats. Well, atleast I get to sit next to my best friend now!

I sat down and tried to get Dibs attention. But whatever I was trying to do, clearly failed. He kept his eyes on Zim. It was starting to get creepy. Zim noticed this and looked at me.

"Human, can you tell your 'friend' to stop looking at me?" He asked. Well, it seemed more like he demanded it than asked.

"Dib, leave the poor kid alone." You tapped his shoulder, he wouldn't budge. So I went close to his ear and shouted. "DIB!"

And it wasn't only Dib who stopped what he was doing and stared at me, no, it was the whole class. Now I feel embarassed. Zim noticed this and got everyone to concentrate on him.

"LOOK!! ME!! ZIM!! WONDERFUL!!" Very random choice of words but I didn't mind.

Now I really wanted to talk to Zim. But when will I get the chance? My chance was definately not now as the teacher walked in, but maybe sometime tomorrow?

School has ended by now, and there was Dib chasing Zim again. I decided this time I wasn't going to bother. I felt like talking to Gaz anyway. So that was when I decided I wasn't going to run after Dib, but I was just going to go to his house to hang out with Gaz.

It only took about 15 minutes but I made it and knocked on the door. A few seconds passed before Gaz answered the door. I waved at her while she kept on her usual --rest in bitch face--. She appeared to be looking around me.

"Where's Dib?" She asked.

I sighed.

"He's chasing people down the street."

"Oh." Was all she replied with before opening the door properly, letting me in the house. "Well, you can wait on the couch until he gets here. There's some snacks in the fridge though, help yourself."

Gaz then started to walk away, so I stopped her.

"Actually... I wanted to talk to you today....." I managed to catch her attention and she turned around to face me. It didn't take long before she started walking towards me again. Well, she walked straight passed me but gave me the signal that I should follow her to the kitchen. She grabbed a box of cereal from out of the cabinet and made her way into her bedroom. I followed her of course.

"So, what's on your mind?" She asked, grabbing some of the cereal from the box.

"It's about Dib..." I started. "He's been acting pretty weird lately."

Everything went silent for a moment.

"I did hear him crying yesterday..." Gaz started. "And he's been spacing out a lot."

I nodded my head. Whatever Dib was upset about, whether it was still about me or not, I wanted to help him get along with Zim.......

And that was a promise I was making to myself.

I never break my promises.

Word count : 1060 words


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