Chapter 8

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Friday, the last weekday... Tomorrow was the weekend...

I woke up with a relieved and calm look on my face, that was until I remembered about Dib...

He and Zim seemed to be on my mind. Zim, on rare occasions but Dib seemed there in my head all the time. I needed to talk to him this weekend. Today though, I was fine with talking to Zim.

I just had to invite him to my house after school....

The bell rang, ready for lunch and all the students except me and Dib left the classroom. Me and Dib stared at eachother for a while.

"Well are you two going to leave or should I lock you in here until next lesson!?" Ms. Bitters asked.

We both kept our eyes on eachother until me and Dib left. I didn't like this. I didn't like the fact me and Dib were next to eachother in the corridors of Skool. When I tried to run to the hall to grab lunch and sit with Zim as fast as I could possibly go, Dib stopped me by giving me a gentle tap on the shoulder.

"H-hello..." I stuttered. I never stutter!! I had never been in such an awful condition (minus the trips and falls I've had). I sweated so much that the smell started to stick to me. I didn't like this one bit.

"Woah (Y/N)! I'm not going to hurt you! I promise!" Despite his efforts to calm me down, I still sweated and shivered so much in place. "I just-.. Are you alright?"

No. I clearly wasn't. However I gave him a small nod.

"I'm sorry Dib.. I have to go..."

I had never been so scared of Dib in my entire life..

What had gotten into me!?

I got cut off of my track of thoughts by a painful impact. I seemed to have crashed into Zim while he was carrying his lunch tray to the table. Chances are that he wasn't going to eat that slop anyway, I had seen him question such food before.

"Get off me-" he paused. "(Y/N)?"

"Hi..." I got up and took a step back. "Sorry about that...." I laughed nervously as I helped my short friend up from the ground.

"It's alright.. Considering it's just you.." He dusted himself off and picked up his lunch tray. Forgetting the mess on the ground, Zim carried on walking to his table. That didn't go so well as he slipped. I managed to catch him before he fell to the ground, but the lunch tray wasn't so lucky.

" Thanks..." He mumbled.

"It's alright.." I said. "Hey, Zim. Can you come over to my house today? I need to talk to you about something."

He seemed to not like the idea of him visiting me at my house because he looked at me hesitant. He agreed in the end anyway, and that was a relief.

"Thanks again Zim." I smiled, walking away.

"So Dib-Stink stalked you, if I'm correct?" I nodded. "Leave him."

That was Zims advice!? Leave him!? I thought he'd have better advice than that! I smacked my head and Zim tilted his.

"What do you think of the situation." I asked. My voice pitch was slowly going lower.

"My opinion? Well, hum- (Y/N)" He corrected himself. "I never liked that stupid boy in the first place."

Well, I saw that coming. Neither Dib or Zim liked eachother since day 1. And day 1 wasn't even that long ago.

"But if you want to be his friend, I suppose that's okay. Go talk to him and you'll be fine. I'm sure he just wanted to make sure you were ok."

His advice was very much like Gaz's advice. I mean, I guess I could try talking to him... As awkward as it may be. I still have time to talk to him tonight.

I wrapped my arms around Zim, thanking him. I'm sure he secretly appreciated the hug, but did not act like it.

"Yeah you can let go now." He rolled his eyes. I still kept a slight smile on my face.

"Well, I should probably talk to him now, thanks Zim!" I made my way to the door. Zim followed and opened the door, letting me out. We both waved and I was on my way to Dibs house...

Zims POV:

"You like (Y/N)!" Gir said, holding a plate of waffles for me. I smiled.

"Yes Gir, I am very fond of her. But that doesn't mean we are friends."

Still, I thought otherwise. There was a possibility that (Y/N) can become friends with Zim. But it will require effort. And information about the planet.

(Y/N)'s POV:

" You still want to talk about it do you? " Gaz asked. I shook my head.

"No, I'd like to speak with Dib."

Gaz shrugged her shoulders and walked off, probably going to get Dib.

So as you guessed, yes, I am infront of Dibs house. I was ready to talk to him. I gained the courage to after talking with Zim about the whole situation.

It didn't take long before Dib reached the door. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Dib....I'm sorry, I was just scared. It reminded me of my dads friend, but I know you'd never ever be like him..." I apologised.

Without warning, Dib ran up to me and gave me a warm hug. It felt so nice to talk to him... Give him a hug...

"I'm sorry for watching you. I know you can take care of yourself, but I just felt the need to protect you from....him.." Dib said, shaking.

I kept my grip on his jacket.

"Dib, I'll be honest. Zim is nice. Infact, he's the one who told me to talk to you.."

We let go of eachother and Dib tilted his head. He asked if it was true or not.

"Of course it's true. Why would I lie to my best friend.."

Dib smiled.

"If Zim is nice to you, I wont get in the way of your friendship. But I haven't changed my opinion on him."

So, Dib still wasn't fond of Zim. But I had a feeling that would change...


Word count : 1057 words


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