Chapter 21

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"Have you met my friend Pustulio?" Zim asked a girl that was playing hopscotch. I peaked from behind the tree and stared at the two of them having a conversation, a short conversation. The girl stopped playing hopscotch and turned to him, picking up a rock and hopping on one foot. Her eyes widened at the sight of his 'friend'.

"AAA HE'S-" She stopped in the middle of her sentence and stared at the large pimple on Zims face. "Beautiful.."

Really this was disguisting, and I didn't feel like following Zim because of the risk of the pimple popping and having the liquid over me. But in the end, I followed him. I felt like I had to incase he did anything wrong. I figured the girl was hypnotised after saying the word 'beautiful', so I walked beside Zim, not looking at the pimple that he had named 'Pustulio'.

Next, he went to a girl that was skipping with her skipping rope.

"You!" Zim said, stopping infront of the girl. "Dirt child. Meet Pustulio."

He made sure that the girl kept eye contact with the pimple on his face.

"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU-" She stopped and kept her eyes on the pimple. Then she had gotten into a trance. She was about to continue her speech, saying something different this time, but I interrupted.

"Just shut up and follow Zim!"

Surprisingly, she listened to me, and I'm not even the one who hypnotised her! That didn't really matter to me though and I counted that as a win. Both females, and me, ended up following Zim past the monkey bars, until he stopped and turned around.

"PUSTULIO DEMANDS YOUR ATTENTION!" He said as everyone was staring at the pimple again. It seemed they were not paying much close attention to that, so Zim flicked his pimple. I found it rather gross but gave no comment on it. And soon enough, everyone on the monkey bars were hypnotised, and fell of the railing. I found it to be quite painful, though it wasn't even me who fell. Me and Zim heard a girl say something.

"Does Pustulio wish for me to pop my spine back in place?" She asked, struggling to speak. Zim stopped to think about it, and agreed.

"Yes, very well." He replied, walking further away from the group of kids. I could hear bone cracking from behind, and it made me want to vomit.

As we were walking, I caught Dib run from the table. He made his way to Gaz, hiding behind the stairs, but not before trying to get her attention. But thst failed. Gaz sat on the top step, reading a book of some sort, and Dib was hiding in an obvious spot. Zim made his way to the top step, next to Gaz and started his speech, which I didn't pay attention to at all. I was more concentrated on Dib at the moment. But everytime I tried to get his attention, he never even noticed me. I soon gave up after a while.

"Stare deeply into Pustulio! He is your master! He is-"

"Go away!"

"Are you sure you don't want to look at.. Pustulio!?"

Still, Gaz seemed like she wasn't in the mood, so she brushed him off as I would've guessed. Zim understood that, and in all honesty, didn't really mind if Gaz was hypnotised or not, so he gathered everyone into a more 'private' place.

"Come my filthy stink children." He demanded. "You shall reveal your secrets to Pustulio in the privacy of the classroom."

Once he walked inside the building, everyone followed him, apart from me. And I finally saw Dib come out of his spot.

"What's going on Gaz, what's he up to?" Dib looked around suspiciously. And finally, he answered his own question, seeing as Gaz wouldn't say anything. "Some sort of hypnosis. It might have something to do with that thing on his head."

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