Chapter 16

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I woke up and was greeted with warmth. I felt all cozy and wrapped up by a warm blanket. My head was resting on the arm of the couch, a pillow there for comfort.

I could smell something rather refreshing and opened my eyes slowly, rubbing them after sitting up on the couch. I had one of Zims soft, fuzzy blankets wrapped around my frame. Someone was in the kitchen, I could hear all the clashing.

Soon enough, a plate of freshly made waffles were infront of me. I found it rather sweet of Gir to make me waffles. It was a kind gesture, and the waffles tasted nice.

"Thanks Gir!" I smiled at the robot. He sat on the couch next to me and turned on a show. A certain show that had to do with some monkeys, and Gir seemed to enjoy himself. I didn't have a clue what he was watching. But if it entertained him, than I guess that's ok!

While me and Gir were busy watching tv, Zim walked into the living room. He and I looked into each others eyes, remembering what happened last night. I felt flustered and had to cover my face with my hands, leaving the plate of waffles sitting on my lap.

"I'm sorry!" We both said in sync. Despite my and Zim becoming our flustered selves, Gir didn't pay attention and kept his eyes glued to the tv.

"Hah!" I laughed a little bit and scratched the back of my neck. Then I grabbed the now empty plate of waffles and took them to the kitchen. Zim was the only one who followed behind. After putting the plate in the sink, I faced him. "Thank you Zim. For comforting me yesterday..."

Zim smiled.

"It was sweet of you..." I blushed.

Zims POV:

(Y/N) went home a while back. I never had a clue why I was helping her so much and felt so..... Weird, yet nervous and warm around her. I didn't know how to describe this as I've never felt such a way about anyone. Not only that, but it also made me happy knowing that I've helped her. Helping people never makes me feel that way. But what can I view about it, I never really help people out. Still, this was new....

And that's backed up my point of everything being so weird...

Despite me feeling weird, I had a love / hate phase with the butterflies in my squeedlyspooch.

"Computer." I asked, entering my base. "Do you like (Y/N)?"

"I've never talked to her. Do you like (Y/N)?"

"No...." I tried not to admit it. But in reality, did I like (Y/N), or did I not?

"I don't know!" I gave up. "Do you think I like (Y/N)?"

I received the answer 'yes'. I didn't really believe this, but went on with it anyway.

"It seems you like her a lot, Zim."

"How much?"

"I think you love her."

(Y/N)'s POV:

I needed a way to calm down before I entered the house. I couldn't bear going into that building showing thar I felt like this. I was nervous. But it made sense, I got kicked out yesterday.

Still, even today I didn't understand why. I didn't do anything that bad.

All I did was shout.

'Tis not a reason to kick me out of the house for the night.

I was even lucky enough to sleep in a house. It relieved me how Zim showed up last night, otherwise I would've been sleeping on the streets. And I would not like to continue how that route could go.

I steadied my breathing patterns. I inhaled, then exhaled. And I did this too many times to count before I creaked the door open and stepped inside the house.

I lightly kicked the door closed with my foot, before checking the house. There was no way I was yelling again, not taking any chances of getting kicked out a second time. It was relieving, yet it wasn't, knowing I was home alone. All I did after I found this out was run straight in my bedroom.

'She'll be back soon...'

I got up from my bed, took out pyjamas from my drawers and went to the bathroom. I ran the tap with hot water and checked my phone for any missing calls, texts and emails. None. No inbox. So I scrolled through social media.

Once my bath was deep enough, I stopped the tap, turned off my phone and got undressed. Then I hopped into the warm water. My feet in, and I could already feel the burning sensation on my skin.

I ended up laying in the bath for half an hour, relaxing my muscles.

Then I got out and waited for my mum to get back home.....

I heard the front door slam shut. A scream echoed it's way through the house. A frustrated and upset tone to her voice. It was my mum. But what has her so worked up?

This may not have been the best time to, but I made my way down the stairs to apologise for yesterday.

"Mum?" I called, peeking through the hallway and into the kitchen. She sat on the counter, drinking orange juice out of the carton. Once I walked into the room, she looked at me, and I could see her face clearly by now. Her eyes were begging for her to close them, she looked tired. She looked stressed. And I felt bad, really bad. "What happened?"

"Nothing..." She tried to smile at me, but I could hardly see any change.

"I won't ask anything else. But you need to go to bed..." For once, I was the mother of the house. However that worked.

I grabbed the carton from her hand and poured her a glass of orange juice. After that, I made my way upstairs. Though I did look behind me eventually to check if she was following behind or not. Thankfully, she was. As soon as I placed the glass of juice on the bedside table, she layed right on her bed, not even bothering to change out of her work clothes. By the time I apologised, she was already half asleep.

"Sorry for yesterday..." I sighed, walking out of the bedroom.

Word count : 1066 words


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