Chapter 11

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School was no different. Same routine aside from lunch time. There'd be some days I'd sit next to Dib, and other days where I'd sit by Zim. Today however, I was sitting with Zim. At one point, Gaz even came over to me and Zim and introduced herself to him. Later on, I'd say they'd became friends. It was nice knowing that Zim had other friends apart from me. It was nice seeing how he got along with other people / Gaz. Eventually, Gaz left the table and joined Dib, who did not look happy at the moment. He still had thoughts about Zim manipulating me, and that's what ticked him off. As soon as him and Gaz started talking, his mind was elsewhere and off of the topic of Zim possibly hurting me.

"(Y/N)?" That snapped me out of it, my pondering that is. The sound of my name being called by the alien sat next to me snapped me out of my trance. "Were you even listening to me?"

I sighed and shook my head. No, I wasn't paying any attention to what he was on about and I felt bad. Zim and I haven't seen eachother enough for him to see that my mind travels elsewhere at times. I just hoped he was alright with the fact that I tend to doze off a lot and that it's a habbit of mine I can't seem to break. "No... sorry..."

But Zim didn't seem to mind and told me what he was talking about. I made sure that I was fully aware of what he was saying this time so that he doesn't get annoyed and have to repeat himself a third time.

"I was going over my genius plan for the takeover!" By now I seemed to look interested. Honestly, I was kind of interested to know what his plan was and whether I'd be able to participate in it or not.

"Oh, right. Sorry, a lot of things are on my mind!" I said. "What was the plan?"

I listened carefully as he explained the plan. He suggested we did it tonight, but I told him that we couldn't so we'd do it tomorrow. Little did I know that he was up to something that night.

Our day was enjoyable. Just me, Dib and Gaz. Three friends going bowling together. Nothing odd there. The first few rounds I was winning, then Gaz took the lead. She won in the end and I came last. It was quite fun though. After we went bowling we got ourselves slushies. We also went out for a meal and all of us ended up ordering the same thing. Pizza and chips/fries. The slushie filled us up enough so we didn't have dessert after the pizza. Our night was still enjoyable when we got back.

The 3 of us were all sat in Dibs room and had a chat. Then we ended up going into his sisters room and played video games for a while. There was a big variety of games we could all play. Me and Gaz chose to play a horror game, meanwhile Dib wasn't fond of that idea so he watched as me and Gaz played the horror. None of the jumpscares scared Gaz, only a few scared me, but most of them scared Dib, which we all found hillarious. His reactions were priceless.

So all in all, the day was fun. The doorbell rang while me and Gaz were playing another game so Dib came down and answered it. Me, being curious to who it might be, took a break from the game so Gaz ended up playing by herself. I could hear a familiar voice down there, it sounded very much like Zim. Once I got down there, I saw that it was Zim. But why did he come here?

"I need to use your telescope." Zim walked towards Dib, while he moved and tried to hide behind the couch. Yeah.. don't think that was working out for him, because it wasn't. But I'm pretty sure both Zim and Dib got a glance at me. Dib quickly grabbed the lamp of his dad and pointed it to Zims face. I'm certain if that happened to me, I'd be blind right this second.

"(Y/N)! Gaz! THERE'S AN ALIEN IN THE HOUSE!!" He shrieked.

"You mean besides you!?" Gaz yelled back from her room. 'Damn, what a good comeback!' That made me laugh a little. Neither Dib or Zim found this funny though. I don't even think they heard Gaz properly.

"We don't have time for this Dib!" Zim replied. Damn, he seemed mad. Zim took a few steps forward and clentched his fist. "Your world might be in very great danger!"

"Well, yeah. You're trying to destroy the human race, remember?" He said sarcastically and rolled his eyes at Zim. Meanwhile, I just watched this whole thing go on. Zim chuckled.

"Oh yes! But this is different, it's something else entirely." Then he stopped laughing and then chose to be demanding. "I need to use your telescope!"

"You think I'm stupid?" He asked, tilting his head. "I mean, what kind of alien needs to help the people he intends to conquer!?"

"Have you seen the sky!?" Zim said, pointing outside the house. Now that I think about it, the sky did look strange today, didn't it?

"I'm not going out there Zim." Dib responded, shaking his head. He then stepped towards Zim, still holding the lamp, trying to protect himself. Now, I'll feel bad for thinking this, but he looked rather stupid doing so. "I'm not falling for whatever it is you're up to!"

I couldn't tell whether Dib had shined the light to close to his contacts, or whether he poked them with the lamp, but Zim shut his eyes quickly and rubbed them. But he didn't stop there, he did it again. Then Zim rushed out the door, screaming.

"I'm going to see what he's up to." I told Dib that I was going after Zim to find out what he was doing, then I'd come back. That was my intention anyway. He let me pass because he belived I'd come straight back afterwards. And I was going to, but never did. After I left, DIb slammed the door shut and turned around.

"Earth is safe once more!" I held his fist up in the air. "But for how long...?"

Word count : 1084 words


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