Chapter 6

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Me and Zim were a little awkward at first, the walk to his house was quiet. I wished it wasn't, but that's how I am when I meet new people.

"So....." I started, trying to start a conversation. Zim raised an eyebrow at me. "How are you finding school?"

"...That Dib-Stink is annoying..." He responded. As I expected him to, he wasn't fond of Dib. I could see why. His first impression was unnexpected and rude. Considering this was his only reply, he seems to be like Gaz a little bit. They both never seem to keep the conversation going. But I might be saying that too quickly, I mean, he doesn't quite know me yet as I don't know him either.

"I gathered...." After that, there was more silence... I looked to the side. This truly was awkward for the both of us. "Listen... I'm sorry if come across as annoying to you..." Zim stopped.

"I- Well-...." He seemed to struggle with his words and soon gave up. I chuckled slightly. He might think I'm annoying, but I kind of agree with him on that. I was bugging him for the past few days.

"It's fine. I take it you're not used to the atmosphere here?" I asked. He stared at me with his eyes wide open. He seemed panicky.

"ZIM IS PERFECTLY NORMAL WITH THE ATMOSPHERE HERE!! I can assure you that I am definitely NOT from space!!" He smiled, sweating a little bit. I laughed at that, not at him, but at his choice of words. I would've thought he'd know what I mean by 'the atmosphere'. Then again, he didn't know what an apple was.

"I never said you were from space." I looked at him and he raised an eyebrow again. "What I meant was, are you used to the people around here?"

"They're weird." Zim scoffed. 'Ouch....'

I'm sure he didn't mean it towards me, did he?

Zim opened the door to his house and two robot - like parents came to the door. A mother and a father. They were both poorly made.

"Welcome home son!" Now this was alarming. Not only were they creepy, but they were weird.

Why did he have robot parents? Then again, he could have them due to something in the past. The both of us then sat on his couch.

"Why do you have robot parents?"

"I- uhm......." Zim paused and looked to the ground. Now I must've made a big mistake by asking that question because I could clearly see tears in his eyes. Something must've happened.

Oh gosh! I'm sorry for asking!" I tried patting his back in effort to make him feel comforted, but I couldn't. Zim pushed my arm away, it kind of hurt to be honest...

"Zim is fine!" Despite him saying that he was fine, I was still concerned. I was about to apologise again, but a green looking dog entered the room. But he walked on 2 legs, don't dogs walk an all fours? And how was he green? Just then, the unnexpected happened...

The dog talked.....

"Hello!" He said cheerfully. I stared at him and struggled with words.

"WHAT- HOW IS HE- THIS IS-" I may have panicked to much which caused me to faint....

Zim's POV:

"WHAT- HOW IS HE- THIS IS-" I just watched her calmly while she panicked. Soon after she tried forming a sentence, she fainted. I slapped by forehead. What a stupid interaction that was!

"GIR! YOU MADE HER FAINT!!" Gir shrugged his shoulders and walked out of the room! That is no way to treat me!! "GIR WHAT ARE YOU!?-"

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