Chapter 18

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"I'm sorry, (Y/N)........."

I never really talked to my father, still knowing that he passed was sad to everyone in the family. Including me. Despite the fact I never really got to know him well, knowing he died was truly upsetting.....

"It's..... Fine mum. Its not your fault..." I faked a smile, but that didn't last. I started to break down, so I ran upstairs and shut the bedroom door.

Nobody at school except my 3 friends noticed me acting down in the dumps. But it felt like everyone saw my mood, and how I was acting all soppy. Then again, most humans on this planet are blind. No wonder Zim hates almost all of the human race.

"(Y/N)!" I was on my way home, but got pulled back by Dib. He pinned me to a wall, not aggressively, but seemingly forced. "What's wrong?"

"I mean, you're kind of hurting me!" I replied, looking at his hand which was pushing against my arm. It did hurt quite a bit, but I'm sure Dib was on about the actual situation that's been on my mind, bugging me all day.

"Oh- sorry!" Dib quickly let go of my arm, then the sharp pain reached my right arm. Where Dib had touched me. "Besides that. I could see you weren't acting yourself today, what's got you feeling down?"

It was nice he cared for me. But sometimes, I don't even feel like telling him what's wrong. Is that bad?

"Nothing... Just.... thinking." I tried lying to him, but for once, he could see right through me. And he put both of his hands on my shoulders.

"(Y/N). I know you're upset. Please tell me, I'm your best friend." Dib looked at me in the eyes. "I may not have been surporting your decisions the past few weeks. But I'm truly here for you! Remember that!"

I hadn't seen him act this way before. He acted to sweet and genuine with his words. I know he's always been overprotective and caring over me. But he's never told me those words or acting caring in such a different way than usual before.

"Okay.... I trust you..." I breathed in and out. "M-my dad..... he's..... he's....."

I couldn't bring myself to finish the sentence. So Dib finished it for me.

"O-oh.... he passed away, didn't he...?"

And this is when I broke in to tears. They escaped from my eye sockets as I rested my head on Dibs shoulder. Dib let out a big sigh, and wrapped his arms around me, comforting me in his warm embrace.

This is why I loved Dib. He was so caring and sweet, but never really showed it like this. And this was his first time I've properly seen him act this way towards me, but I loved it. I loved how he was able to cheer me up so quickly....

I smiled, but Dib couldn't see it planted on my face. It was buried in his shoulders. But I think he'll be happy to know that he's made my day.

"Dib?" He let go of the hug and tilted his head. I lifted my gaze and looked at him. Only him. "Thank you...."

Finally, I was at home. At peace. Shutting the world out with music as usual. No change there.

I'm just glad no one was with me to see my state. My sad, tired, overall bad self. But I may have spoke to soon....

I heard two knocks on my bedroom door, before it opened. I was very surprised seeing Zim come into the room, my mum standing behind him.

"Zim wants to see you (Y/N)..." She smiled at Zim before looking over to me after calling my name. "Zim, please help her feel better..."

Zim nodded at my mother, before walking over to me, who sat on the bed. I took off my headphones, despite hearing them so well with them on. I did feel the urge to take them off anyway, they were starting to hurt my ears. My mum smiled at the two of us and shut the door, making very little noise after walking out. I could tell she didn't want to disturb us two.

"(Y/N)... You haven't been acting like yourself.... What's the matter." I sighed, knowing I'd have to say those exact words that I just said to Dib a few hours ago. Those words would have to be said again....

"Well...... long story short... my dad... he passed away last night-"

Just then, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. The shock was enough to pull me and Zim back, so now he and I were laying beside eachother on my bed. We were both blushing like hopeless idiots in the moment. But we managed to relax quickly. I even managed to crack a small smile. We both just layed there, hugging eachother. It was comforting. It was peaceful. This calmed me more than my music, which is surprising....

"Hey Zim..?" I spoke softly. He mumbled a 'huh?', which I replied to. "I'm sorry that I've been sad all the time..."

"(Y/N), I understand. You have a lot going on." Zim smiled.

"Doesn't it bug you a bit-"

"Just enjoy the hug, I never do this with anyone.."

I get it. A hug from Zim is unexpected. It is for me too. But if he had never really done the gesture of comforting someone before, then why did it feel so nice? He's a natural with hardly any experience. However, I never found this in my power to complain about. I was enjoying it to say the least.

"Zim?" I asked again, receiving another mumble from Zim in response. "I never wanted you to destroy earth. But that was because I would be destroyed with it...."

"If you ever destroy earth, will you save me? Take me with you?" I asked Zim, who currently had his arms wrapped around my waist.

"If destroying the earth means that I can't be with my best friend, I won't try." Zim replied.

"If I ever have the option to take you with me....."

"(Y/N), you know I'll always take you with me, right?"

Word count : 1051 words


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