Chapter 24

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"Dib...." I said coldly. It gave me the idea that he was the one who spread the rumour, if not, I'll ask Gaz, and if it's not her I'll ask Zim. I know it's bad to accuse your friends of spreading rumours about you, but they were the only ones who knew. Now, I wasn't going to spit out and say that he did it, i'll ask beforehand. If he lies, he lies.

Dib got up from his bed and smiled at me. Then he walked up to me and waved.


"Did you tell the school about my dad?" I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow. Dib shook his head quickly and walked back to his bed. I wondered what he was doing, so I followed him. He picked up his phone and opened his camera roll. He played a video of him outside the school.

"Earlier, someone placed these notes around the school about your dad passing away. I just don't know who. I tried taking them down as fast as possible, but that didn't work. Many people had already saw them..." Dib frowned as I payed close attention to the video. I narrowed my eyes as I saw something from the footage. Not the notes, or students. But I swear I saw someone in the shadows. I quickly paused the footage.

"Bingo.." I didn't have much time to look at the figure in the shadows since Dib took his phone back. I could only analyse the footage when I get home. "Dib, sent that to me."

He didn't question me and sent the video through whats app. I would have to look at it later. For now, I'll just forget about it and hang out with Dib. Seemed like the best Idea. I was glad I didn't have to ask Gaz and Zim, nor did I accuse them. Still, I felt bad for thinking Dib was the one spreading the rumours about me.

"Sorry Dib.... now I feel like a bad friend....."

"Don't worry about it!" He smiled before taking me downstairs. I didn't know what we were about to do, but I was sure it was going to be fun! I was glad Dib was okay with the situation.

I had to keep an eye on that camera. I needed to analyse the footage tonight since Dib could be in danger. I also had to make sure that more people don't spread more rumours about me!

I was determined to stop this.....!

Me and Dib, again, didn't do much earlier. All we did was watch films, eat popcorn, then chat. Not what we normally do, but it was fun.

Right now, I'm currently sitting at my desk in the living room, checking the camera footage. I zoomed in on the shadow of a human. It looked familiar, by that I mean the posture. Still, I wasn't so sure whether it was who I thought it could be. I needed to turn up the brightness. But it would've helped if my mother didn't come into the house straight as I was about to do that.

"Hello (Y/N)!" She seemed to talk to me more often. I loved it, it was nice that she was actually starting to get to know me better. But now wasn't really the best time. Either way, I greeted her. But I had to slam my laptop shut so that she didn't know what I was up to. She watched me slam it shut, then smirked. "Are you talking to someone?"

Now, I hate it when your parents assume things like that! When you're smiling at your phone they always assume your chatting to your crush or something. Or when you don't let them look at your screen, same thing happens. It's annoying, especially if it doesn't relate to that at all. Anyhow, I just rolled my eyes and smiled, pretending not to be annoyed at her comment.

"No!" I chuckled a little. "Just some funny memes that you wont get.......... because you're too old...." My mother took that the wrong way as I laughed.

"I am a middle aged woman! 42 isn't that old!" She put her hand on her chest, like she had just been offended. Which she had been, but I didn't mean for it to sound harsh.

"Sorry!" I apologised. "I only mean that you wouldn't get it because people your age have a different sense of humour!"

"That's true. Kids nowadays are strange..." She put both hands on her waist and shook her head. Then, she came over to me and planted a peck on my  forehead. I found this strange, seeing how she hasn't done that in ages. Nevertheless, I smiled at her as she walked away. "I'm going to have a shower now, see you in a minute sweetie!"

Now back to my work!

I opened my laptop and turned up the brightness, but I still couldn't see anything in the dark corner, so I guess that screenshot was pointless. I needed to slow down the video and look for any other time frames where it shows the figure. Though I'd have to be quick, only a fragment of the video showed the shadow. And if I still couldn't see who it was then I'd have to analyse the posture of the human, and the outline of the shadow.

I already knew this was going to be a long night............

A/N : Damn, why do I always feel guilty for writing a chapter that's less than 1000 words!?

Word count : 931 words


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