Chapter 28

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"Damn it! Now look what you've done!" He growled at me. This caught me by surprise as the action was unnexpected. I know I might have triggered the alarm, but it wasn't my fault! I was just..... confused about it all. No reason to have a go at me!

"Sorry..." I only apologised, as I didn't want the argument to continue on and become worse. Quickly, he dragged me to under a table and covered my mouth. The table had a big tablecloth draped over the table, keeping the two of us well hidden.

"What was that?" I heard a gruff voice ask.

"I don't know...." Now, this next person sounded familiar.... it sounded like my kidnappers voice. I peaked my head out from under the tablecloth. Now I could see who those people were. I only recognised one person. And I was not happy to find out it was my dad. My dad.... he kidnapped me.... "I need to go."

He suddenly had a realisation that I could've triggered the alarm (which I did), so he started to run back, wasting no time.

By accident, I bumped my head on the table whilst trying to get back into my hiding spot. This caught everyone's attention, especially my dad.

"Uh oh.... busted...."

Dibs POV:

From what I've gathered, it's all bad news. (Y/N)'s gone, she's been kidnapped. But I guess there's a  side to this, I'll be considered a hero if I saved her. Even if I wasn't going to be given that title, I'd still save my best friend. She's probable suffering right now.....

"What's the plan?" I asked Zim. Right now, me and Zim were with (Y/N)'s mum since she was the one I believed when she said (Y/N) was kidnapped. But hey! I wasn't going to trust an alien.

"Get your sister." Zim demanded. 'My sister? Why?' I questioned in my head. But I never asked him why. For once, I trusted him. I trusted him if it meant my friend would be saved. So I left, left to walk to my house and get Gaz.

I still wondered why I needed to get her, but I was more focused on (Y/N). I was worried for her. And I couldn't get her off my mind for the whole journey and back. It didn't take long before I arrived at my house, and so I knocked the door. Thankfully, it was Gaz who opened it. Reason I knocked insead of letting myself in was because it would get Gaz's attention.

"Why didn't you knock?" Gaz stared at me waiting by the door. I never even answered her question. I just grabbed her hand and ran away, Gaz was fast enough to shut the door.

"No time!" I breathed heavily, running all the way back with Gaz. Yes, we were tired, but there was no way that I was going to waste another second knowing my best friend was in danger. You know me, the overprotective friend that she dreads to have. Not me as a person, she just get's annoyed at how overprotective I am over her. Still, I'm like this because I don't want her to get hurt more than she already has been the past few months.

Finally, we arrived back at (Y/N)'s. This time, I barged in without knocking. I slammed the door shut and ran to the kitchen, still holding onto my sisters hand. I noticed that neither Zim or (M/N) was there. I inspected the room, then saw a note on the kitchen table. It was stuck to the flower pot that was centered in the middle of the kitchen table. The note read....

We're at my house.


I groaned, knowing I'd have to be in alien property. Then again, it gives me a chance to investigate. But I doubt that's what we're going to be doing.

I kept my grip on Gaz's hand and ran off again. She groaned, rolling her eyes afterwards.

"Where are we going now!?" She asked. I just completely ignored her question (again) and kept running. Obviously I made sure to shut the door after me, making sure no robbers come into (Y/N)'s house.

I crossed the street and got to Zims house. I have to admit, it was near sunset and him front lawn looked a little disturbing to me. I barged through the house and saw Zim and (M/N) in the living room. Me and Gaz sat down on the couch.

"Can you tell me what this is all about now!?" She asked another question. This time, no one ignored her, not even me. We explained to her about (Y/N) being kidnapped and that we were planning to save her. (M/N) knew where she might have been taken to since she's known her husband for years.

"So then, what's the plan?"

"We leave and save (Y/N) tonight, right after sunset."

(Y/N)'s POV:

I groaned and opened my eyes. Seems like I was tied up again, this time, I wasn't blinded. But I was struggling to breathe a little bit, I was tied tighter this time.

I tried taking a look around the room. But my eyes stopped once I saw the stranger that helped me. He was tied up, he looked weak and tired, very tired. I suddenly felt so guilty. I shouldn't have let him help me... now he suffered.... he suffered with me...

"I'm sorry......" I looked to the ground. He was awake, but not really alert. He never replied to me, and I took that the wrong way, assuming he didn't accept my apology.

Then I just left it there and began to think about my friends. Were they going to save me? If so, I promised myself that I'd take him with me. I didn't want to suffer and nor did he, we were both on the same side! -But not really on good terms....

Whilst deep in my thought, my dad walked in. And suddenly I felt fear. I panicked. I had a bad feeling about this....

A very bad feeling....

Word count : 1038 words


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