Chapter 13

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I'd definitely be hearing from Dib today. I would've came back to his house after our mission but It was to late and I was exhausted. Because of this, I went to bed instead of talking to him, yet alone phoned him. Thinking about it now, I should've phoned him. It would've saved us the conversation we had about yesterday at lunch. But I never regretted it.

"So why didn't you come back yesterday. Last time I checked, it doesn't take 3 hours to ask Zim what he's up to." Dib asked, crossing his arms. '3 HOURS!? We were 3 hours!?!?' I never realised me and Zim were gone for that long. We only left at 7, which means we got back at 10. Which also means my parents were looking for me last night if they were home. But I prayed they didn't.

"So uhm. Long story short, there was a problem and I helped him solve it." I recalled the events from last night and smiled to myself. I remembered flying Zims cruiser. The experience was rather nervewracking, but mostly cool. And I enjoyed every second of it. I would've ranted to Dib about what we did, but I wasn't sure if Zim would allow me to tell my friend. Though he might not mind me telling Gaz. But Dib was the sibling that was currently sitting at the table next to me. And Zim hated Dib.

"What problem?" Dib asked, looking at me with suspicion. I didn't know what to say to that. It was either I had to think of a lie, or I just don't tell him. But he may be even more suspicious of me if I don't say anything. Nevertheless, I told him nothing.

"And why is that your buisness?" I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes. "I don't recall you being there with me and Zim."

"Well of course not, that's why I asked." He asked.

"Oh." We both broke into laughter. "I'm so stupid!"

We continued this laughing fit for about a minute before we stopped and Dib became his serious self again.

"Listen. I know you wouldn't do anything bad, I was just curious."

Well it was nice to know that Dib didn't believe I could possibly try and help Zim destroy earth. Trust me, Dib and I are the only ones who knows he's trying to destroy earth so I'll be ok to talk about some topics with him about the situation.

"Yeah, it wasn't anything bad. In fact, we saved the planet." I explained. Dibs face lit up.

"Tell me!" He demanded.

"I'm still not telling you. I'm not sure if Zim would allow it." I shook my head at Dib and chuckled. As much as I wanted to tell him how much of a blast our adventure was yesterday, I didn't.

"Please! I'm interested!" He begged and begged. Still, I wasn't telling him. Then he smiled and patted my shoulder, and that caught me off guard. "I hope you know this, but you're a loyal friend (Y/N)! And I'm sure Zim is as happy as I am to have you as a friend. It's cool how you respect Zims decision."

At this point, I couldn't tell whether he was testing me, or if he was actually interested. However, it was nice of him to say that about me. I felt greatful to have him as my best friend. It kind of made me blush knowing he meant that.

Zims POV:

I made my way to my table with my lunch tray in both my hands. Sadly, I had to pass the Dib-Stinks table to get where I needed to go. Call me rude for this, but I may have eavesdropped on Dib and (Y/N)'s conversation.

"I hope you know this, but you're a loyal friend (Y/N)! And I'm sure Zim is as happy as I am to have you as a friend. It's cool how you respect Zims decision."

That was Dib.

At first, he demanded (Y/N) to tell him what happened with us yesterday, it was nothing really. Still, it wasn't his buisness to know anything about it. But at this point, I'm confused. Did he really want to know or was he testing her. Either way, I smiled at (Y/N) without her noticing. It was nice to know she respected me and didn't dare tell Dib about it.

It made me feel nice.

It made me feel warm inside knowing I had a friend like her.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I was at Zims house tonight as I spent most of yesterday with Dib and Gaz. Nothing really came up today. But I did tell him that I was thankful for him letting me fly the cruiser.

"I don't quite have a plan for the invasion yet." That was Zim as you probably guessed. I had asked him about plans for our next adventure and may have been excited for it.

"Can I fly the cruiser again sometime?" Yeah, that was what I was excited for. Not the invasion, but flying the voot cruiser.

"Soon (Y/N). Soon because I trust you with it." He smiled at me. Just then, Gir walked into the room and waved at both me and Zim.

"Hey Gir!" I greeted, a big smile planted on my face.

"I scared somebody!" He cheered. "He went like this : AAAHH!!" He mocked. I laughed at that, but Zim was not amused. Not one bit.

"You went out without your disguise!?" Zim chocked on his drink. Zim wasn't happy. In fact, he was angry, furious even. As you guessed, going out without your disguise wasn't any better for Gir than it was for Zim. They were both at risk of getting caught, even with their disguises on. But the chances of them getting caught was way up the tower with their disguises off. Highly likely, and I'm only saying that because they can hide in the shadows. "ARE YOU CRAZY!?"

"WOAH ZIM!! Calm down!" I started. Then I wondered who this person could've been. Whether he was just a random stanger passing by or it was Keef. I wanted to know. I needed a description of the person. "What did they look like."

"He had a big forehead." Gir commented. I mentally and physically slapped myself. I knew who Gir was talking about, and he wouldn't be happy to know that Gir just commented on his forehead.

"What is it?"


Then the doorbell rang....

A/N: So I tried drawing Zim for the first time. Tell me if you like it or not.

Word count : 1116 words

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