Chapter 12

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"So, What were you doing over Dibs house..?" I asked Zim, hoping for him to answer, but he ignored me. I let out an irritated sigh, and that's when I caught the attention of the alien.

"What? (Y/N).?" He seemed like he wasn't in the mood to talk right now, and that left me puzzled. What was wrong today?

"Where are you dragging me?" I asked a different question this time since his mood basically told me that what I asked before wasn't important. After I asked the question, Zim stopped and turned to face me. He let out a breath he was holding in for a long time.

"Well, my dear friend. You and I are going to space!" Zim smiled at me and ran holding my hand again. I felt delighted that he called me a friend! After all, I don't think I've ever heard him refer to me as a friend. It was great to hear that not only I considered us friends, but we both considered ourselves friends. Besides that, I realised Zim said we were off to space.

"Now!? Zim! I said I was busy today!" I growled. He glared at me.

"This is very important. I'll tell you on the voot cruiser" Then, Zim stopped. "Unless, you don't want to come with me..."

"Of course I want to come with you!" I reassured him. "But what's a voot cruiser?"

"You'll see."

After a short period of time, we finally made it to his so called 'Voot cruiser'. It was rather small, but was a good enough size for 3 people. Well, 1 person, a robot and an alien. Still, none of us were squished in there so that was good. When we were about to take off, the cruiser shook a lot until it blasted off into the sky, causing us all to fall back. We all screamed, not expecting the impact that was soon to come.

And once it did, I got a glimpse of Zims eye on the floor before he picked it up and put it back on. I was disturbed, but Zim didn't even seem to care about his eye falling off and wondered what we hit.

"NOOOO!!!" Me, being in shock with his scream, I asked what was wrong, a worried tone in my voice. "The earth has been stolen!"


"By the Planet Jackers." Now he seemed angry.

"The what now?" That caught my attention.

"Computer, bring up the Planet Jackers hollow simulation. They sneak up on unsuspecting planets, and enclose them in a hollowmetic bubble. The inside of a sphere is one big television screen which projects a sky so no one knows what happened."

Zim explained. I never asked for an explanation, I only asked who they were but I got an explanation.

"I like TV!" Gir added. I chuckled and patted his head. Gir looked at me and responded with a cute smile as Zim carried on with his explanation.

"Those earthquackes we've been feeling are the pull from when they change direction."

I kept my eye on Gir so I never really heard the rest of his explanation.

"And now... they have the earth...."

"YAY!!" Gir cheered. It's funny how he didn't understand that this wasn't a good thing. It wasn't good for Zim one bit as he was the one who wanted/needed to conquer earth. It wasn't good for me either since I didn't know what to expect from those beings. Atleast with Zim, I'd be much safer.

"No Gir! That's bad!" Zim pointed his finger to Gir, telling him off for cheering at such a thing.


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