Chapter 19

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Nothing happened today aside from school. All I really did there on breaks was sit and ponder. No one came up to me, no one really talked to me. Only apart from the occasional 'hi' I'd get from a few walking past me. Other than that, nothing. And I'd be lying if I said I enjoyed it. Sure, I used to prefer peace, but now it was just outright boring for me, I wanted to do something.

Right when I think that the silence is boring, it's like the angels hear me and bring two familiar people to the bench with me. Those two are named Gaz and Zim. I never really saw them together, I even forgot they met a while back. But that was only because I rarely saw them communicate with eachother.

Gaz and Zim both sat next to me on the bench. Zim sat on the right side of the bench, while Gaz sat on the left of me. I looked at the two before they spoke.

"(Y/N), would you like to come over to my house tonight?" Gaz asked. "Maybe some video games will help you take your mind off of you know what.."

I nodded. Sure, games will help me take my mind off of my father, and sure, I enjoyed playing certain games there. I wondered if Dib would mind.

"He doesn't have to know, we'll just sneak Zim to my room and lock the door." I did assume Zim would be coming, since he sat beside me as Gaz invited me over. It would be rather rude to invite a friend over infront of another friend.

"Wait a minute. You have a lock on your bedroom door!?" Gaz nodded. She never told me she had a lock on her bedroom door. It would've been useful. But I was quite surprised I had never seen or noticed it beforehand.

She can call me blind, but how on earth can she notice more things then me if her eyes are closed most of the time!? It all doesn't add up!

Gaz laughed at me, not in an awful way, but in the way friends laugh at eachother. I can tell, I've been friends with Gaz for years.

"What's so funny?" I asked Gaz, who appeard to never stop with the act.

"Just the fact that I tend to notice more than you do, but my eyes are always half shut!" She chuckled. Meanwhile, me and Zim raised an eyebrow at her behaviour. "I mean, don't you think that's odd or what?"

I never see her laugh much, so seeing her smile today made me feel slightly more happy. But I did also agree with Gaz on that one, it was odd that she could notice so many things with her eyes closed, more than me.

"Now that I think of it, Gaz, yes. Yes it is odd." Zim stroked his chin. "(Y/N), how does that happen?"

"Probably has something to do with me zoning out a lot." I sighed, a slight change in my mood from before. I felt at ease unlike how I felt before they came to the bench.

All in all, I just hope Dib doesn't find out about this. He'll go mental if he finds Zim in his house again....

Earlier, I thought nothing interesting would happen, and that I'd just come home to contemplate life as usual. Since my routine has changed from 2 weeks ago. I was actually happy that me and Zim were coming over to hang out with Gaz since we all got along. Well, that was the main reason anyway. It also felt nice to leave the weekdays at a -sort of- happy note. It would be the weekend tomorrow, Saturday. And a break from school is just what I needed.

It wasn't long before I heard a knock at my bedroom door. Once I opened it, I saw that the person standing right outside my room was none other than my mother herself.

"Zim's at the door! Says you're hanging out with him and Gaz." I nodded at my mum. That's what was going to happen, and I felt lucky for it. "Well then, have fun!"

I grabbed my bag from my bed. Only a few items were in my bag, just what I need. A couple of video games, a bottle of water, my phone and some sweets. My mum waved at me as I left my room and made my way downstairs. She closed my bedroom door, then asked me to wait. I did as I was told and waited for her at the bottom of the stairs until she came to my view.

"If you ever want to talk, I'm all ears!" She smiled as I nodded, making my way out to meet Zim by the front door. As soon as I stepped out of the house, I unintentionally slammed the front door shut. Then, me and Zim made our way over to Gaz's house.

I was worried that if I knocked the door, Dib would answer. And so just to be catious, Zim hid not to far away from the house. I was very relieved to see that it wasn't Dib who answered the door, it was Gaz.

"Where's Zim?" Right as she said that, Zim came into her sight. Gaz had the idea that he was hiding just incase it was Dib instead of her. She found this a smart move. She really could read my mind, as she gave an answer to what I was thinking. "Oh yeah. Dib isn't here at the moment!"

That was amazing! The fact that Dib wasn't in the house, now we didn't have to sneak Zim to Gaz's room. But this only made me wonder when Dib was getting back from wherever he was. Right away, Gaz answered this for me. Do I even have to mention why at this point?

"Dib won't be back until tomorrow. Turns out he's sleeping over a friends house."


If I had a drink, I would've already spat it out at this point. This was funny, because I knew it was a joke. Of course Zim knew Dib had friends since he can clearly see me and Dib are friends. Either way the joke made me crack up.

And soon enough, the three of us were laughing we reached Gaz's room. Let me say this was a fun night.

Though there came a point where we had to explain to Zim what each game was. My favourite had to be just dance, he was such a noob at it, but he never gave up despite hearing the laughter from me and Gaz. Zim was determined to win and wouldn't let anyone else toy with his victory. He never let me or Gaz go near the console or touch the controller. He wouldn't even let us move until he had the win, which didn't come for about an hour. However, he was happy with his victory. And just for a laugh, I refered to Zim as 'your majesty' for the rest of the night.....

"What's this thingy about?" Zim held a dvd showing a familiar game.

"Have you been living under a rock!?" Gaz finally opened her eyes. There aren't many occasions where she does that and I found this one to be rather surprising.

"No. I've lived in the-"

"Just dance! I can't believe you don't know what just dance is!!" Gaz shook Zim by the shoulders, completely ignoring what Zim was previously trying to say.

"He isn't from here, Gaz." I mentioned. Now it had seemed like the roles had switched. Usually, I'd be acting like how Gaz was currently acting like, and Gaz would be like how I'm presenting myself right now.

"I know that."

Gaz let go of Zim, and was kind of ashamed with how she acted towards him. She knows herself that it's unusual for her to act like that. She thinks people will judge her for it, when really, the way she acted wasn't weird. It was strange, but it was nice to see this side of Gaz as you don't usually come accross her acting like that.

"Well, how do you play?" Zim gave me the dvd as I put entered the disk into the disk slot.

Man, I had a lot of explaining to do!

Word count : 1410 words


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