Chapter 29

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"Hello, (Y/N)." My dad smirked and crept up to me. "I believe we have an unfinished conversation."

I tried getting away, but the ropes were way to tight. I'd suffocate if I tried moving anymore.

"That reminds me.. have you made up your mind yet?" He tilted his head.

I couldn't say anything, nor did I even have a chance to speak. I was just to shocked to find out my own father, my own blood, kidnapped me.....

"Speechless?" My dad shook his head. "No can do, (Y/N). You'll have to give me an answer, or else....."

'-Bitch, I can do anything I want!' I scoffed.

".....I'm not going to do jobs for you, Dad." I quietly replied. This made him burst with rage. "You can't treat me like this, I'm your daughter."

He seemed like he was going to dissagree, but then saw how his assistant was helping me. Then it seemed like he had a new plan.

"Alright, (Y/N). I won't hurt you." This made me smile. "But I will hurt him."

Suddenly, my smile dropped. He pointed his finger to his assistant (I still don't know his name.

"You aren't hurting anybody!" I turned my head quick enough to see.....


Zims POV:

I had planned to save (Y/N) all day, and I thought well and hard about how we were all going to do it. Seeing how Dib was my least favourite, we'd use him as bait, plain and simple. Of course, it would be rather stupid if I said I was using him as bait, so I had to say something instead. I had to trick him, saying how I couldn't think of anything, and that the best option was for Dib to try and save (Y/N) himself. Oh how oblivious he was!

"I'll go! Just stay here!" Of course it was like Dib to tell us all that. He was apparently the hero of every situation after all. But his 'heroic' actions weren't going according to his plan.

And that's where we are now.

While Dib was stalling, I took the opportunity to search for an alarm to trigger, so that it would lead everyone else out of the room.

Fortunately, for me, Dib was tied up to a post, but it was also a bad thing as he was used to stall them all. Lucky enough for all of us, I had managed to pull the lever to activate the alarm right before anyone was hurt. I went back to my hiding spot and there stood Gaz. (Y/N)'s parent wasn't here with us because I thought it would just make it worse. -Not to offend her. But family saving family, it's not a very good idea. What if she were to get caught and threatened?

A loud alarm blasted throught the speakers, and I saw (Y/N)'s dad run out of the room.

"Dib!? Are you okay!?" I heard a muffled voice come from the other room. It sounded like the person I would assume for it to be, (Y/N). And right away, I stepped into the room.

My eyes widened at her state. Her eyes were begging to stay shut, she had bruises all over her body, and cuts all over her face that I didn't even think she noticed she had. I'm never usually sensitive, but this just made me tear up....

I thought back to everything she had done for me. Though I comforted her in most situations, she never really had the chance to do the same back. She rarely saw the sad side of me. But what she did do made me feel happy. She was my first friend (excluding keef because I never thought of him as a proper friend). She introduced me to others such as Gaz. She was the one who made me feel welcome. And that was enough for me. It was enough for me to agree with myself.

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