Chapter 10

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Like I said yesterday, Zim was going to have an unexpected visitor today. Who was the unexpected guest? Me of course. I wanted to surprise him today with nothing but myself. Sure, we met on the park bench yesterday, but I forgot to tell him that I wanted to hangout with him today. Since I didn't have his contact or didn't know whether he had a phone or not, I have no other choice but to visit unexpectedly.

I had just finished my lunch and put the dishes in the sink. 'I'll wash them later.' I thought to myself. It wasn't like my parents would care if I didn't do them now, they were both at work again. Atleast that's what I thought. I don't pay much attention to them, but that's how it's been for years. Despite not doing the dishes right away, I turned the tap on and filled the sink with soapy water to let the dishes soak. 'Later..'

After that, I ran upstairs and into my bedroom so that I could grab my hoodie, my phone and my keys. Chances are we weren't going to go out anywhere. That's why I didn't bring my purse. After I grabbed all of my things, I turned off the light, closed my bedroom door and walked out of the room. Before I left the house, I made sure that the heating was off, the lights were off, windows were shut and I locked the doors. The last thing I wanted was a robber in the house and for my parents to yell and or blame me for it. But it would have been my fault anyway since I was the one who would've left the doors unlocked and left the windows open. And so, I was crossing the street to Zims house.

After knocking on the door and waiting half a minute, the door opened and I was greeted by the 2 robots.

"Welcome home son!"

I chuckled awkwardly. Just then, I saw Gir walk towards me from the foot of the robots. He was in his dog suit.

"Hello (Y/N)!" He started. "Come in!"

He gestured for me to walk in to the house. Before I did, the robots moved away from the door so that I could get past them. And after I did manage to walk in, Gir closed the door. I admit it, looking behind me at the robots was creepy. It was dark so all I could see from there were 2 shadows. And the fact that the robots were awfully tall made it even worse. I must've been looking at them for quite some time now, I felt a tug on my sleve. Gir was the one who caught my attention. He gently pulled my arm and took me to the living room to wait for Zim. Nothing new with that room. I sat on the red couch and waited for my friend to enter the room. But I didn't want Gir to inform him that I was here, I wanted to surprise him. So I told Gir not to tell him that I'm here, but to tell him that there was something he needed to show Zim and that 'something' was sitting on his couch waiting for him. So I sat there for about a minute or two before he entered the room with Gir by his side.

Zim looked different. Was Dib actually telling the truth!? I could see that his wig was gone, not that I knew it was a wig in the first place. Zim had antennae, and his eyes were a pink(ish) red colour with no pupils. So he was an alien. That did explain the fact he had green skin. I wasn't dissapointed or creeped out, nor did I not want to be his friend anymore. I still loved having Zim as my friend and was actually astonished. He looked so cool!

"GIR! I have no time for nonsense! I have to get back to my plan-" But Zim just noticed me and stopped in his tracks. 'I wonder what he means by "his plan" ' I thought. Whatever it was, I wanted to help him out. Unless it was something I'm against. I waved at Zim.

"Hi Zim! Sorry.. I wanted to surprise you-" Zim turned to Gir. He looked intimidating and threatening. Like he was going to hurt the poor robot.. "Woah Zim! It's my fault! I told him not to tell you I was here!"

His expression changed from threatening, and he was the one in shock now... I wasn't going to tell anyone that he was an alien, not like anyone but Dib would believe me. I'd seem just as crazy as him if I did start blabbering on about Zim being an alien. So I had to reassure him that I won't tell anyone!

"Don't worry! I won't tell anyone that you're an alien." I stated. And his expression changed again. This time, it changed from anxious to calm. Despite him looking calm, he was not very happy / calm on the inside. The thought of me ruining what he had in store for earth made him mad. "Plus... I think it's cool!"

He looked puzzled at this as he had recieved 2 reactions of people finding out that he was an alien. One from Dib and one from me. However, both of the reactions he recieved were very different from eachother. Dibs reaction. He was scared, but didn't hesitate to try and stop Zim. Mine on the other hand. I didn't seem fazed, It didn't bother me what he was. I already knew he wasn't human, I just never assumed he'd be an alien because I didn't think they existed. But I was very wrong about that. There was one stading right infront of me, and alongside him was his robot buddy.

"As long as you're not against me conquering earth then I'm alright with staying friends." So that was his plan. To take control of this planet or whatever. It all adds up. Plus, many people gave aliens that stereotype ages ago. And while I wasn't to fond of the idea of him conquering this planet, I didn't want to become the enemy. I could help him in some way. The only problem was Dib. He was definitely against Zim taking over the planet.

So it was either : I decide between the two
Or : I pretend that I don't know what Zim is doing

And if choose the second option, then I'd have to make sure both me and Zim don't get caught by Dib at all costs....

Word count : 1114 words


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