!Thanks For Reading!

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I just want to thank you all for reading this. Although it was a shorter story compared to my first one, I really enjoyed writing it! I honestly cannot believe the amount of support I've gotten within the past 2 months! Reading your comments just makes my day and throughout writing this, they've helped motivate me to continue it!

All in all, I'm glad I thought of making it and publishing it! You guys are just so sweet and wonderful I just can't thank you enough!

Just a few things about the story:

- I didn't make you and Zim have a relationship until the very end of this story since I like to take it slow. And to be honest, if I did make them bf and gf then I wouldn't have any clue how to continue the story.

- William only appears at the end because I just thought of making him as an extra character. I didn't think of it until chapter 26.

- (BFF/N) didn't appear much because I wanted the story to focus more on what's happening around (Y/N) and not what's away from her, if you get the gist.

Things I want to say before I finish:

I feel like I've made (Y/N) a little too sensitive, and I'm sorry if you feel that way! I just write whatever comes to my mind. However, if you don't feel like that, then that's great!

Also some of you may not have wanted Dib as your friend but I thought it would add to the story!

I'm also sorry for not making much (Y/N) + Zim moments. To be honest, I like focusing on the actual universe when it comes to making these stories. That means that I don't tend to think about fluff moments despite my love for writing them.

Anyway, enough with apologies! I hope you enjoyed the story! I also have other stories on my profile if you want to check them out, but they aren't invader Zim related. But yeah, hope you have an amazing day, or night!

Update : 9th October 2021 - I am making another Inaver Zim x reader!

Last update : It's officially here! Another Zim x reader! Go check it out in my profile (if you want to that is).


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