Chapter 25

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I couldn't believe my eyes......

"Dad......." My voice cracked.
"You liar...." I coldly stated, closing my laptop. I slammed my head on the desk, missing the keyboard, overall, I'm glad I didn't hit the keyboard anyway.

It was like the time to be 'great' as my mum walked in on me growling while having be head on the desk. Her, being my mum, got worried, so she ran up to me and asked what was wrong. But did I really want to tell her what was actually going on? No way! So I had to lie.. kind of.

"A rumour spread at skool saying that dad died..... I want to know who spread it..." What I said was true, but was not the reason I was upset. I was upset to hear that my dad lied about his death, and I couldn't bring myself to tell my only family....

My so labelled 'dead' father was in that video taken by Dib. He must be planning something, he must've been the one that started the rumour, with the notes he stuck around the school. Somehow, I knew I was in danger. Who would've thought that my own blood, my father, would be the one I had to escape from!?

So I never had the guts to tell my own mother about this, yet I had the guts to tell Zim about it..... How strange...

"He's a scum..." Zim narrowed his eyes. He looked around the house to ensure I hadn't been followed by him. And to be extra safe, he checked the cameras too. He knew I'd have to stay hidden. "Can I see the video?"

I grabbed my phone from my hoodie pocket and passed it to him, already having the screen on the video. Zim pressed play and watched the footage. He rolled his eyes at the sight of Dib, then payed close attention to the part I pointed my finger at. The backwall.

"You're staying at mine tonight." Zim said. That wasn't a maybe, or a 'your choice' sentence. It was a statement. Zim knew I wouldn't be safe with my mum. Sure, she's family, but she doesn't know about this. And I don't want her to know about this. Another reason I was content about staying over Zim was because I felt safer with him. Okay, I liked him too, but that wasn't a valid reason. I wasn't doing this all just to get closer to him. I was genuinly scared for my life, Zim, being great with technology, I felt like he could help me.

So I only nodded.

It was only the afternoon, so I wouldn't need to worry about packing up yet. Though it would've been better to do so now, my idiotic brain decided to just stay with Zim for the time being. So I'd leave when it became dark. Not such a good idea considering that my dad was after me. Chances are higher at dark. And that thought scared me.

Still, I didn't realise at the time.

It was dark and cold out there by the time I left. And at that time, I was not happy. I was left feeling sad that Zim didn't come with me, but then I understood that he may have things to do as well.

I shivered, crossing the street. It wasn't a long walk. All I needed to do is cross the road and walk a little to the right and there we are, at my house. Still, I was sensitive when it came to feeling the cold. I tend to feel cold easier and quicker than others. I never understood why though.

Finally, I reached the door. When I tried pushing it open, it was unlocked and took impact to the wall. The door opened and slammed into the wall, then as I walked in, it came crashing back up against me.

"Ow..." I rubbed where the door had hit me, my arm. There was a bruise, as it wasn't really the door that crashed into me, it was the handle.

The pain didn't fully go away, but I managed to shut the door and run to my bedroom. I was to focused to pack then to feel the pain in my arm. Since my mind was on other things, the pain wasn't there. Well, it was but I hardly felt it.

It didn't take long before I had everything sorted. All for except telling my mum that I was staying over Zims house for a few nights. So I went downstairs and into the living room.

I saw her sitting on the couch, writing some notes which I had assumed were for work. She had an apple in her hand and looked her paperwork feeling concentrated.

"Hey mum!" I must've startled her, as I saw her jolt up from the couch. Her whole body looked tense. And I almost felt bad for calling her, she must've been stressed over something. Key word, 'almost'.

"Uh- Yeah?" She stuttered, picking up the half eaten apple that I made her drop. I didn't mean for her to be scared.

"Sorry for bothering you." I apologised to her. She walked into the kitchen and put the apple in the bin. I followed her to the kitchen. "But is it alright if I stay at Zims house for a few nights?"

She seemed to be in thought for a few seconds. But agreed to it. She was feeling rather hesitant. She didn't fully know Zim, nor did she fully trust him. But then she remembered how he let me stay over his and provided me with food after I had been kicked out. And that made her change her mind.

She smiled and nodded.

"Sure, why not?" She went back into the living room and sat on the couch again, I followed behind her. I grabbed my headphones off of the coffee table.

"Thank you so much!" I hugged her. I'll be back in a few days!"

And so finally, we both said our goodbyes.

So now what was I doing? Well, you'd expect me to say that I just crossed the street to Zims house but no. I was going to go straight to Zims, then I thought about going to the shop. Call me dumb all you want but I'm craving sweets!

Was the walk safe? No. Did I get a packet of sweets? Yes. And that made me smile.

It was now 8pm at the time of me walking to Zims. I kept the sweets for myself and tried finishing them before I got to Zims house. I'd tell him that I was at my mums for a while because we were having a conversation. Of course that was a lie.

Now I felt different. I felt like I was being watched. It confused me on how I felt okay walking to the shop, and now I'm suddenly feeling like there's someone behind me.

I didn't want to turn around as that's usually a bad thing to do. So I just sprinted.

It seemed like it wasn't my imagionation playing up and someone was actually behind me as I could hear their footsteps chasing after me.

I thought I was safe, but something happened.

I ran straight into an alley way with a dead end.

Word count : 1228 words


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