Chapter 20

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"Dib, what are you doing!?" I smacked my head, staring at his stupid squirrel disguise. He clearly didn't know the proper size of a squirrel, it didn't fool me one bit. But may have fooled Zim a little at first.

You see, Dib and I had just walked back from school together, but he wanted to try and break into Zims house with me. Of course I didn't want to do this, but he may have dragged me along and I just had to go by his plan. But to be fair all I did was sit and watch him enter the garden, he looked rather stupid to me. I never came into sight as I got instructed to hide behind the fence. Still, I may have let out a silent giggle in the moment.

He crept forward in his squirrel costume but immediately stood still after he saw Zim open his front door. Trying not to look suspicious, Dib stood in his place, not daring to move an inch until Zim looked away. Zim could see when Dib moved, as the glass from his garden gnomes eye reflected the squirrel costume.

"Gnomes! Capture the squirrel!!" Zim instructed, pointing at Dibs ridiculous disguise. Both of the gnomes surrounding Dib went closer to him, picked him up, and dropped him afterwards. Thus, smashing the glass disguise to pieces. The tail of the squirrel still stuck to his back. So with the way he was positioned at the minute, Dib looked like a snail. "Hah! Nice try squirrel - Dib. I laugh at your pitiful attempt at spying! Here I go... MWEHEHEHEHEH!"

"GO ON! LAUGH!" He started, getting up from his spot, the squirrels glass tail smashing to pieces on the floor. "But one day you'll be sitting in your house, feeling all safe and secure. And then you'll look over and I'll be there, DOIN' STUFF!"

I rolled my eyes and got out from my spot. Both Zim and Dib looked at me after I spoke.

"Because you're the almighty.." I sarcastically spoke. He looked at me. The look he gave told me that I was supposed to be on his side. But I didn't have a side really. I was just there. Zim smirked at me and looked back over to Dib.

"You'd have to find some kind of flaw in my security-net!" He said, walking over to me and Dib. "Since that could NEVER possible happen! You'll have to do your.... STUFF elsewhere." Zim finished, looking away from Dib.

Then he wondered.

"-You haven't discovered some kind of a flaw, have you?" He turned around and spoke, looking at the two of us.

"Let's just say your home defences could use some tightening." Dib turned away, keeping his eyes on me. I really couldn't be bothered for some kind of argument right now, so I tried pushing him away. Thankfully, it worked and I managed to get him away from Zim. Though I could hear him shouting at Dib in the background. Only before a pizza guy came.

"This is why I said we shouldn't come!" I looked at Dib when we turned into an alley way. "Then again, it was kind of amusing when you made him mad."

We both then smiled at eachother. He knew what I meant by that, and that I wasn't intending to sound mean about it. It just simply amuses me to see others annoyed or mad, unless it's a serious cause.

I could also say Dib was right, there was a few flaws in Zims security-net. Then again, I couldn't really say that as I didn't even have any security.

"Let's just go to my house." Dib said, grabbing my hand.

"I have no other choice so okay!" I smiled.

It was a Monday, which also meant there was school today. Nothing really happened before I went to school. But when I got there, I found it hard to find Zim. After around 5 minutes of searching I spotted him hiding behind a tree near the back of the yard. So I made a move and walked up to him.

"Hey Zim how's your- WOOAHH....." I felt slightly hypnotized and had to blink about a million times. Zim looked like he had a huge pimple on his face, but how was it hypnotising me.

"Oh! (Y/N)! Don't look at this unless you want to be hypnotized." He told me as I immediately took my eyes off his weird looking pimple. -NOT saying that pimples are odd or unusual! It's completely normal! But his pimple was different.

"What. The. Hell." I felt like I almost fainted in that situation. "How did that happen!?"

"Gir bought some pizza and got cheese all over me. He gave me bacon to wipe it off, but it gave me a pimple. And when I used some acne blast, my pimple got worse." He explained. I really couldn't hold in my laughter, and Zim took this as offensive.

"Look- I'm sorry.. But this is just so funny!" I stopped. I was mainly laughing at the fact he drew a face on the pimple. Well, thinking about it now, it was probably Gir who did that just for a laugh. It was also the fact they had the guts to dress the pimple up. "You dressed up your pimple and gave it a face!"

"Do you think I'm doing this for a laugh!?" Zim raised his voice at me. "Most certainly not!"

Now that I think of it, it wasn't like Zim to do this for a laugh. He hardly understood humour from what I could see.

"I have a plan, (Y/N). A GENUIS PLAN!!" Zim exclaimed, waiting for my answer. Except, he never had one from me. Either way, he explained it. "I can use this pimple of mine to hypnotize Dib into telling me what flaws I have with my security-net!"

I thought it was a good plan. But I also know that he could do so much more with it. I never decided to tell him because I didn't want to stop him from doing such a 'genuis plan' of his.

Oh this was going to be good!

Word count : 1043 words


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