Chapter 15

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This has never happened to me before....

Sure, I yelled at her, but she had no right to kick me out. That's all I did, yell.....

And now I had to go to Dibs place. It was already dark. I hadn't realised it, but by the time I got out of the house, it was already 7:30pm. I was rather furious yet surprised at the fact that my mother wouldn't even let me take anything. All I had was my phone in my pocket, with a bit of pocket money. Still, It wasn't enough to get me through the night.

I may have an attitude, but atleast I'm not outright cruel! I'm only 14! Sure, I'm mature, still, I couldn't handle myself. Me against all those creeps out there? No chance, they'd win for sure. Night is the most dangerous time, especially for minors.

"Screw being a burden, I'm definitely going to Dibs house!"

That was not a lie.

I sprinted past all of the shops, past all of the alleyways. I just ran as fast as possible to Dibs house. It was a great workout for sure, as I had to catch my breath when I got to the front porch.

My finger lingered over the doorbell. Why did I feel hesitant all of a sudden? Not only did I feel hesitant, but I also felt like something wasn't quite right. After finally having the courage to ring the doorbell, I waited.

And waited...

But no answer.

This all appeared a shock to me as they're always home. But tonight they weren't.

'I knew something wasn't right...'

I couldn't sleep on the streets.....

'I can't sleep on the streets.....'

And this thought proceeded to repeat itself as I strolled downtown. I breath quickened every second. I didn't like the thought of creeps being anywhere near me, and I definitely didn't want anyone near me as I slept.

I felt all panicky and jolty all of a sudden. My frantic thoughts made my emotions worse, being outside wasn't helping one bit. I shivered at the temperature, the cold air welcomed me as I never even realised the weather from before.

Looking at the streets now, it was all foggy, I could hardly make out anyone. So I was alone, the fog wouldn't clear so I remained to question what was on on the other side.

And like hell was I going there. It was a death hazard waiting to happen...

My eyes darted more around the area, and cleared from the spot I had originally kept my stare at. Behind me, I could hear movement. But I didn't want to look back. It sounded like there was more than one person. A lot more unsettling thoughts came to mind.

'Are they going to hurt me.'

'What if they're holding a gun at me!?'

'I should turn around!!'

'No! (Y/N), you're going to get scared once you see them'

'What if they just want me to turn around so that later they can-'

"(Y/N)?" That sounded like Zim. It couldn't be, could it?

"Zim?" I took a leap of faith and turned around. Thank god I was right!! It was Zim!

"What are you doing out?" Zim asked me. I hesitated to say anything about my mother at first, but then decided it would be necessary to tell him.

I tried to control my breathing before saying anything else.

"My mum kicked me out for the night..........." I sighed, facing the truth. I was glad that Zim was here, that way, no creeps would show up.

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