Chapter 22

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"Alright." Zim placed the book on the table. "Let's take a look....."

Zim opened the book, the inside of it was ruined as expected. Zim stuck his oddly-looking tongue out of his mouth in disgust. It was lucky that Gaz never looked at Zim in that moment otherwise she would've questioned that. I couldn't help but think about the situation leading up to this moment and gag, it was lucky enought that there was an umbrella in the classroom. Still, I felt all smelly, and I knew I had to take a shower tonight.

What were we currently doing right now you might be wondering? Well, we're fixing Gaz's book. But to be honest, I don't see why we can't just buy a new one...

"It's one of a kind!" Gaz replied. I must've been thinking out loud again as per usual. "Plus, this book is really expensive!"

Zim inspected the inside of the book. Some of the pages were torn and the book was absolutely soaked.

"GIR!" He called for his robot assistant. Gir rushed into the room wearing his dog suit. "Go fetch me a napkin."

Gaz stared at Gir, being rather weirded out at the fact that there was a green dog in Zims house. And that Gir was assisting him. I felt like she was going to start another conversation about what just went on with Gir, but I shook my head at her. Telling her to not even start.

About half a minute passed before Gir came back in the room, holding a towel. Even though he was told to go grab a napkin. Gir passed the towel to Zim and he let out a big sigh.

"It'll have to do.." He said, trying to wipe off the liquid in hopes for the book to be dry.

"You do realise that a napkin won't work for that, right?" Gaz raised an eyebrow. She wondered if Zim was actually stupid, or if he was just acting like it. Though acting wouldn't be the right thing to do in a situation like this. Zim had his dumb moments more than his smart moments, only his way of speaking shuts off the thought of him being dumb. His use of formal language. There were only very few times that he didn't speak in that way. Take now for an example..

"I know what I'm doing!!" Zim yelled back, rather frustrated. He hated being told what to do. And although he wasn't really being told what to do, he felt like he was. And did he like it? Like I mentioned, no, he hated it. Very much.

I concentrated back at his work. He failed, but hated to admit it. He panicked, rubbing the towel against the page harder, trying to make sure it would dry. But that only made it way worse, it ripped the page. And Gaz noticed it. She growled and walked up to Zim, grabbing the book. Then she walked to the door. Zim panicked again and ran over to Gaz, tapping her on the shoulders.

"Wait!" As he said that, Gaz turned around. "I'm sorry Gaz..." Zim sighed. "I-I... I have something to show you..."

Gaz raised her eyebrows once more as Zim grabbed her hand, dragging her back into the kitchen, where Gir and I sat. I figured out what he was going to do, and it was a big secret. But I knew it was no mistake, as I knew what Gaz is like, and she's not like Dib. Quite the opposite actually. I could tell Zim wasn't sure if he should be revealing his secret to her, so he turned to me for reassurance that he was doing the right thing. And not only will Gaz find out Zim is an alien, but she'll also be staying longer. I nodded at Zim and he smiled, turning back to Gaz.

"Gaz, please.." Now Gaz looked at me. "Promise me that you wont tell anyone about this!"

She smiled and walked closer to me. Once me and her were next to eachother, she stuck out her pinky finger. I did the same and we locked pinky's, indicating a pinky promise.

"I promise."

Zim coughed, catching all of our attention. We looked at him as he took out his contacts and lifted his wig off. He placed the dress-up items on the surface. Then he turned to Gaz. She was speechless, shocked even, but she didn't show emotion. But I knew her for years, I could tell how she felt. And let me tell you it was a good thing none of those feelings were anything negative towards Zim.

"That's..... cool." After Gaz said that, Zim showed an awkward smile and we all stood there, staring at eachother in the silence. I didn't like it, and was glad Gaz said something else, ending the awkward staring. "Ok, so, you're an alien! It's just hard to believe that Dib was right..."

"I know right! Not to be mean to him or anything but normally he makes no sense when he talks about theories and other things like that!" I mentioned. Though it was mean of him to feel like that, Zim was glad, it sounded to him that I was talking bad about Dib. WHICH I WAS NOT!! It was only a joke, though it was true, but just know that I don't mean it in a bad way.

"Considering the fact you're an alien, I'll stay longer." Gaz smirked put her arm around my shoulder, she put one arm around mine and one around Zims. "Let's just say that you've peaked my interest Zim."

Gaz meant that in a friendly way, I could tell. I was relieved she meant it like that since I was developing a crush on him. I'll admit the fact that once you get to know Zim, he's kind and caring. Anything you'd want in a friend or even a boyfriend. It's never hard for me to admit I have a crush on someone. I'll just accept the fact that I like him...

"I'll have you know that I forgive you."

For what? By now I had already forgotten why Gaz came here. I guess it was because I was distracted on Gaz's reaction. I looked at Zim, he wasn't speaking, he looked... flustered. It made me wonder why? I could always ask him later, for now, I wanted to know what Gaz was apologising for.

"Remember, his... uh... pimple juice.... on my book..." Gaz shivered at the words 'Pimple Juice', and I understood why. It sounded disgusting. We just didn't know what to call it.

"Oh yeah, now I remember..." I felt sick just looking back at that horrible memory. Seriously though, I felt sorry for Dib, he was told by Ms. Bitters to clean up or he'd be in the underground classroom. Or atleast that's what I heard anyway.

Without warning, Zim tugged at my sleeve. Quickly, I looked at him, he tried pulling me  to the living room. Which I followed him. Gaz was going to come with us, but Zim didn't want her to. I guess this was going to be a private conversation.

"Uh, Gir!" I hadn't noticed this, but while we were talking, Gir had left the room and taken his disguise off, so his true self was revealed to Gaz. She never questioned any more to this point, and seemed normal with the fact that there's an alien living with a robot assistant on my street. Gir stood infront of Zim, his eyes turning red.

"Yes sir!" He stood there, in a 'salute' position.

"Go make Gaz feel at home, I have to speak with (Y/N)!" He demanded. Gir pulled Gaz back into the kitchen, but instead of her looking at him, she was looking at me and Zim with a frown. Zim noticed this and reassured her that it wasn't anything bad. I just hope that was the truth.

Finally, we got to the living room. Peace and quiet. Gir made sure Gaz felt welcome by making her waffles and having conversations with her. Did the random conversations with them make sense? No. Did they even care? No.

So now it was just me and Zim. I did notice he wasn't looking comfortable. He wasn't looking like his usual self, he wasn't feeling like his usual self. He was uncomfortable and I didn't have any clue why. But I guessed that's why he must've pulled me in here.

"Alright Zim. What's wrong?"

Word count : 1430 words


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