Chapter 27

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Dib's POV:

I was at school, but there was no sight of (Y/N).... I got worried but then told myself that nothing bad happened. She was probably ill. But she normally comes to school all the time despite being ill, so why was she having a day off.

Not only did I not see her at school, but she never texted or called me. This made me worried.

Another weird thing happened, Zim was staring at me all day!! And for what!? I didn't know!!

'He must've had something to do with (Y/N)'s absence. I knew he shouldn't have been trusted!'

I thought to myself. What I thought sounded true in my mind. But then again, I wasn't sure if Zim would be like that towards (Y/N). I wasn't sure whether he would harm her or not.... And that was the scary part.

The bell rang and so it was time to go home from school. I knew that I had to speak to Zim, whether right now or if I had to break into his house to do it.

As if it was on queue, Zim walked up to me. We were currently facing eachother, both of us had an unpleasant look on our faces.

"Zim...." I glared at the alien standing infront of me. "What have you done to (Y/N)...?"

Zim was offended that I assumed he would do something terrible to (Y/N). Whether he was a villain or not he wouldn't touch her. That's what he told me anyway.

For the first time I've heard, he actually stuttered. And that only made me more suspicious.

"I-I haven't seen her, Dib, and that's the problem." Now I raised an eyebrow at Zim. What was the problem? What happened? Or was he only saying that to make me believe that he hasn't seen or taken (Y/N). "I hate to admit it, Dib-Stink, but I need you to help me...."

Now I was really confused. Why did he need my help!? And why on earth would I decide to help him. Zim, an alien who's planning on taking over earth!!

"I'm not helping you!! I'm not falling into your trap!!" Then I pushed Zim out of the way and began to make a run for it. I guess I was wrong.

"Oh, but you are!!" Zim shouted back. Before I could begin to ask questions, I felt like I was being lifted. My eyes shut quickly, expecting impact, but it never came. Turns out I was about 6 feet off the ground. I looked down, and weirdly enough, saw Zim dancing. Then he pointed at me and laughed. "IT WORKED!! FINALLY!"

He cheered. Next thing you know, there's me, trying to get myself free. I tried bitting the rope to hopefully break myself out of this uncomfortable trap. I was only glad that I wasn't hung upside down, since I would've felt dizzy afterwards. I kept trying, despite the horrible taste in my mouth, but it never worked.

"Keep trying, Dib, but you won't set yourself free." He raised his voice, saying my name. But he was right, so I had to help him. But I needed to ask about what he needed help with first.

"....Fine.... what's the problem..?" I asked, sounding irritated.

"I think you already know. (Y/N)'s gone missing." I never knew whether I should believe him or not, but I agreed on the plans to find her and such. I knew just where to go.....

(Y/N)'s POV:

"Where are we going?" I asked my dads assistant. Y'know, the Dr. Membrane jr guy, he was trying to help me get out of this place. But I never knew any directions around the place. I needed to know where exactly we were going incase we got caught.

Sweat dripped down his face, seeing as he didn't quite know the way around the place himself. He was just.. there..

When he told me, I was outraged! It would take ages to escape this place, all with trying not to get caught aswell. So there was a challange for us.

I was also worried for my family and my friends..... They probably know I'm missing. After all, I was supposed to be at Zims house yesterday, yet I never got there. My mum must be very worried about me to....

"WHAT!?-" He covered my mouth. Sure, we both remained hidden, but who knows who could hear me. I was loud. "Sorry... but seriously!" I whispered to him.

"Yeah.... I only know a few places. I can take you to my lab for the time being..."

You may have assumed we were in a small building, but nope. We weren't. The building was massive and was full of mostly criminals. And considering the fact that 'what's his name' is my kidnappers assistant, he had a room. Of course, since he was a scientist, he lived in a lab.

That reminds me... I don't know who my kidnapper is, nor what he looks like.... I may have to ask.

"Alright.... I just hope we don't get caught.." I sighed. "Oh yeah... can you tell me who my kidnapper is?"

I expected an answer, but he never replied to me, which left me quite angry. But I assumed it was bad, since he didn't want to tell me. I knew he heard me, I could tell, he just never wanted to tell me.

"So, are we going or what?" He ignored my question and wanted to leave. Hence why he asked another question instead of answering mine. I didn't want to be rude and just gave a slight nod. Then, he grabbed my hand and dashed for it. We went passed the office, and gladly no one saw us.

There was a bunch of men in there. Still, I figured my kidnapper was there, I just didn't know who it was. Something caught my eye, a guy who looked simular to my dad. But I was never so sure as we were running so fast.

"Was that my dad!?" I asked my friend. Atleast I assumed we were friends anyway.

Still, he completely ignored my question and ran for it. Suddenly, we tripped over something, which was terrible.

We had triggered an alarm...

Word count : 1060 words


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