Chapter 1: New Skies in New World.

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15 years ago, there was a war.

Well...war's broken out here plenty of times before. They've tried to invade the southlands through the northern valley time and again.

Luck was never on their side, though, and their victories didn't last long. They didn't realize that times had changed.

Facing one defeat after another, losing territory and watching their nation dwindle, they built up their industrial strength to unprecedented heights and used it to wage one final battle against the world.

That was 15 years ago...

They fought ferociously, but were utterly defeated.

The Belkans then committed the unthinkable. They used nuclear weapons on their own soil.

Seeing this tragedy unfold before their own eyes, the victorious countries vowed to throw down their weapons.

The world was once again at peace. And thanks to them, it seemed it would last forever.

On a distant island, far away from civilization, the protectors of the peace take to the skies.


Amidst the eternal waves of time

From a ripple of change shall the storm rise

Out of the Abyss peer the eyes of a demon

Behold the Razgriz, it's wings of black sheath

23 September, 2010 1109 hrs
Cape Landers

"Red alert!"

Albert Genette, a journalist, was in the sky, trying to get the training team in his viewfinder from the rear seat of the lead plane. His pilot in the front seat was howling at the earth below. A small light started to blink and some beeps were heard in the cockpit, the radio starting to crackle.

"Gimme a break! I'm babysittin' nuggets up here!" said the pilot, Jack Bartlett, into the radio with some annoyance in his voice.

"Command Room to Wardog Squadron. We have leakers, aircraft type unknown. Crossing the border at Cape Landers bearing 278 to 302. Captain Bartlett, your flight is the only group close enough to make the intercept." responded an older, more authoritative voice.

On the radar, unknown planes enter their airspace. Flying towards the island. The captain let out a frustrated sigh.

"Baker, Svenson, go trail and stay close. The three of us will go high and engage the bandits. All other aircraft stay low and out of the fight." Bartlett ordered, two F-5Es swinging around to fly beside his F-4G Phantom II.

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