Chapter 29: Sea Of Chaos

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This is my Ace Combat OC's appearance, a

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This is my Ace Combat OC's appearance, a.k.a. Gabriel Williams. Sadly, this will be the only art in this book since it comes to an end. But I will post a few illustrations at my incoming AC6 fanfic, and probably a change in art style.


29 December, 2010 1721hrs
OFS Kestrel, Ceres Ocean, Osea

Blaze and Mobius 1 were assigned on a patrol over the Kestrel and their fleet a few minutes ago after Snow and Grimm.

"All hands, proceed to battle stations. Yuktobanian fleet ahead. The enemy fleet contains eighteen ships arrayed in a battle formation designed to block our fleet's path." Said one of the crews in the Kestrel.

Out of all the worst possible outcomes that could have befallen the Kestrel and her fleet, this had to be one of the worse. Warning sirens were blaring throughout the vessel, its crew scrambling across all levels to get to their combat-ready positions as quickly as possible, including its aircrews.

"Chris?" Blaze looks at her brother's plane. It took a while for him to answer.

"Ready your instincts, Sis."

Andersen ruffled his mustache and went over his fleet's vessels again in his mind before asking about the technical makeup of the Yuke fleet.

"Prime Minister, if you please."

He handed the microphone to the man and Nikanor nod his head, approaching the windows of the bridge and looking out from the vessel, across the shimmering afternoon waters, and to the awaiting Yuktobanian fleet blocking their path. He cleared his throat, gathered his thoughts, and held his finger down on the transmission trigger.

"Attention, Yuktobanian fleet. This is Prime Minister Nikanor, representative of your government. I am on the..." he paused, looking back at Andersen. "The Kestrel?"

Andersen replied with a nod, "Yes, the Kestrel."

Nikanor returned his attention to the fleet before them, starting his broadcast through the Kestrel's speakers again. "I am on the Osean carrier Kestrel, for the sake of restoring peace between our Yuktobania and the country of Osea. We will once again-"

"Attention, all vessels."

Nikanor was baffled when the fleet commander of the opposite Yuktobanian fleet interrupted him so blatantly and disrespectfully over an open radio channel, as if Nikanor's title and position had never existed in the first place.

"The only thing that exists between Yuktobania and Osea is hatred. Prime Minister Nikanor has joined the enemy. Recognize him as such, and sink the enemy fleet with him."

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