Chapter 19: Journey Home

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Guess who dies, mate?


The demon soars through dark skies

Fear and death trail its shadow beneath

Until men united wield a hollowed sabre

In final reckoning, the beast is slain


26 November, 2010 0955 hrs
Hangar C, Sand Island

~ 3rd person p.o.v. ~

"Wardog, we have a job to do."

Blaze discuss to her squad about incoming ceremony at the November City, which they will perform both airshow and patrol. Of course they just simply flyby over the stadium and not be like Blue Angels, they're just an exhibition squadron (but she wishes she could do what they did). At first, Blaze thought about leading the airshow, but she decides to let one of her wingman lead instead. She looked at Nagase and told her to take a lead which shocks her.

"What? But Blaze..."

"Me taking a lead on patrol? Yes. But the airshow, no. I want to take a break for a while so I choose you, if it is okay to you that is." Blaze said.

It took a while before Nagase happily accepted it. Gab told them to carry as much ammunition as possible. They were curious why but she replied in case of emergency, so they didn't ask further and left. Blaze went to her room and sits on the bed, deeply sighs and stroke her hair to the back. She still remember the nightmare she saw last night, or for her, a "vision". Watching her wingman get shot down one by one at the stadium as they reach the loose ends. She thought about sacrificing herself to protect her wingman, but who will protect them again if she died?

Everyday, they practice in the air, pretending the Sand Island is a stadium. Some of them out of formation, and some got misdirection. But overall, they finally get used to it. Hopefully this pleases the Vice President of Osea.


29 November, 2010 1259 hrs
Sand Island

Gab was taking a deep breath and stretching before they could perform on November City when a buzzing sound heard coming from a printer, printing something. Gab let Doc Hudson hotwire her printer for sending information about the mysteries of this war. Once the noise gone, Gab stands up and checks the paper. It was coded in numbers instead of letters.

"These numbers, Gab. What do they mean?" Orby asked.

"It was just a numeric alphabet or something." She answered. She sits on the desk and grabs a pen and a paper to decoded a message. It took a while until she finally finished it, able to read the message.

Enemy reinforcement coming your way soon. Allies will come. Be prepared.

"So, it was really a vision." Gab thought. They're going to kill them over the stadium since they're just four of them. What reliefs her is that her allies will come to save them. There was a knock on the door, Blaze crumbles the paper then throw it to the trash bin. "Come in."

The door slightly opens and a head pops out. It was Grimm. "Blaze, we have a meeting later, ETA 15 minutes."

Blaze smile and nodded before Grimm closed the door. Took an arm stretching before leaving her dorm. While heading to the briefing room, she and Orby have a conversation to each other about their collected evidence so far.

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