Chapter 7: Front Row

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4 October, 2010 1004 hrs
Briefing Room, Sand Island

~ Gab/Blaze's p.o.v. ~

"You people are like the plague, you know that? The moment you return to Sand Island, this happens."

I scowled heavily at the base commander here. I lost morale at this guy, not even give a care about these pilots. We even risked our lives defending this place from an air raid before! All we received is a scowl and roast words! And now this happens!

Let me tell you what's happening right now. We've just returned from McNealy after yesterday's mission, remember? And when we were about to rest, this bitch, Colonel Perrault, sends us to the briefing room for a mission because the Yuktobania is about to invade this island. What's worse is that he force the nuggets to join. They are NOT ready to fight! They still need a lot of time to train them! Damm that son of a bitch! If only I could hire an assassin to kill him...

He moves back as the briefer continues, "A large combined force of Yuktobanian vessels and aircraft have been detected advancing in the ocean directly toward Sand Island from the west. Our intelligence has confirmed the presence of amphibious assault ships within the oncoming fleet. We believe the enemy's goal is to conduct a landing operation on Sand Island and capture this base. Close with the enemy, disrupt landing operations and suppress their naval gunfire directed at our forces ashore."

Then lastly, Commander Donut speaks. "Even if this turns into a ground war, I am prepared to fight for this island to the bitter end. As my advance guard, I want you to forget everything else and concentrate on dealing a lethal blow to the incoming enemy invasion fleet. We'll be deploying everything we've got. Launch every aircraft capable of anti-ship combat, regardless of combat experience."

"Huh. Wise ass."

"Why don't they change commander here? He's a very rude one." Orby asked.

"I wish too. But we're at war right now, and it will be hella hard to find one." After he left, everyone began to dash madly to their lockers to suit up, and to their planes. I still use the SU-37 as usual. I watch the nuggets on board their planes. I can't get over the vision I saw last time. My thoughts are removed when Pops pats my shoulder.

"Are you ready, Blaze?"

I sighed and look at him. "Yeah, I am. But those nuggets... I can't get over this dream about them being killed by Scinfaxi."

"If that's what you see, then you can change the outcome." He said with a smile on his face.

Change the outcome... Like changing the parts of the story. I'll keep that in mind.

"I know what to do now." I hop on inside the plane. "Take care and be safe Pops!" I said before I close the cockpit. And take my plane to the runway before taking off to the sky. I have to defend this island at all costs, as well as the nuggets. They have so much time to live a peaceful life. If Pops' said was true, then I must change the story.

"Front Line"
3 October, 2010 1007 hrs
Cres Ocean, Sand Island

We all fly in formation, with nuggets behind us. I can't help but feel unease about this mission... About the vision, I saw. If the nuggets are going to die here, I must prevent it from happening. A familiar voice came from the radio.

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