Chapter 31: The Unsung War

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As the demon sleeps, man turns on man

His own blood and madness soon cover the earth

From the depths of despair awaken the Razgriz

Its raven wings ablaze in majestic light


30 December, 2010 0139hrs
Oured, Osea

~ Gab/Blaze's p.o.v. ~

We landed on the empty highway road that connects to the bridge for us to land. Once I last touch the ground, I taxied my plane to a wide-open field for our planes to fit and maintain. My eyes were heavy from the lack of sleep and a shit ton of shenanigans happened a while back. Captain Price already told me that Hamilton is slightly wounded and sent to hospital, then soon to jail for what he did. But I'm glad that he's alive.

I got off my plane, I lost my balance when someone caught me. "Hey, Kid. Are you alright?"

I look up and saw Chopper, the others catching up with us. I smile and stand up, "I'm fine. I just need some rest."

"Well lucky for you we've got hotel reservations for all of you to rest," Larry said, just arrived at the scene. He looks at me and his face went frown. "Come with me so we can take you to a hotel."

We rode in a van and went to a nearby hotel, my dad is waiting for us outside. Once he saw me stepping out of the van, he looks happy, but he went stern. "Gab, we need to talk."

"Ah, shit. Here we go again..." I thought. Did he find out?

We went to our respective rooms, separated by 1 person. Once I have entered my room with my dad, he locks the door and Orby decided to show up.

"President Harling told me that you were part of the Special Task Force, and you two didn't tell us?" He said, looking mad at me.

I laugh nervously and slightly look away, "I decided to join since I've gotten to know the commander Sulejmani and-"

"For how long?"

"Before reincarnation."

He went shocked and stood there in silence. He knew about my reincarnation but not entirely. "So you're saying that man is reincarnated here like you?"

I'm about to say something but Orby floats in front of me. "Gab didn't know he got reincarnated until the day they've met. They knew each other since they were both former mercenaries."

"It's a long story so don't bother about it," I added. My dad sighed and scratch the back of his head. "There is so much going on here..."

I decided to change the topic, "Is the President and Prime Minister safe?"

"Yes, they are currently in the Bright Hill, guarded by the Special Task Force." He answered, "How 'bout you? You look like you're dying."

"Oh, it's just the intense escape from the tunnel before blowing up. Plus, a lack of sleep."

Dad slowly nodded, then pat her shoulder, "Take a shower and take a good rest. You did everything you can from the previous fight."

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