Chapter 8: A Test And A Relaxation

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9 October, 2010 1339 hrs
Sand Island

~ Gab/Blaze's p.o.v. ~

In the past few days after our insane and stressful mission, we've received no orders or new mission from command. Which gives us a lot of time to rest and train the nuggets. Major agrees to have at least thrice a week of training course for them. And I plan to split them up into four groups, and we select a group to train, containing four young pilots. We did a 1v1, 1v2, and 2v2. The nuggets try to catch up on us, but failed. I praise them for their skills despite them losing from us. I even did a 1v4 fight, which is me versus four nuggets. And I still won the battle. (Thank you Dad, Uncle, and Brother for teaching me a lot...*sniff*)

Today is weekend and I ordered everyone to take a long break. With nothing else to do inside the building, I took my drawing supplies and went to the hangar, probably drawing my plane while chatting with Pops.


~ Hamilton's p.o.v. ~

I sigh and lean back on my chair after I finished all of the paperwork I have on the table. This is stressing me a lot...

I carry all of them and take it to the Colonel's office. Mostly contain about Wardog's missions, their status, and just about our base. I can't believe we have a base commander like him stationed in this base. But I have to follow orders, as usual and not to ruin the rank and reputation, except for the Wardog Squadron of course.

During their mission, I sometimes listen to their radio chatter. I shook my head when they began to talk their random topic while on a mission, which is slightly annoying. They even make fun of our AWACS operator Thunderhead, ended up ordering them to shut up. But I began to enjoy listening to Blaze's stories more often than the others.

How is it that Blaze, the youngest pilot on this base, became a Captain of the Wardog Squadron? Even though she's been here for few weeks, she shows her capability to fight like an ace. I heard she immediately became Second Lieutenant after she defeated two flight instructors on a mock fight. She is a mystery to me, a peculiar puzzle that is hard to see what's inside. Most people in this base says that she have like a split personality. When she's on the ground, she is kind, friendly, and cheerful to those around him with pure happiness. Always helping the crews around here. I still remember that time where she helped me carry the boxes full of papers, and it is really embarrassing cause she carries three boxes while I carry two. But she wasn't bother at all.

But when she's in the sky, she became calm, serious, and tough. There is times where she can laugh, and other times where she can get angry. And her flying is getting unpredictable. I heard that on her first mission she flies through the explosion, even able to destroy an incoming missile to the Kestrel. She's like a demon. I need to get a lot of information about her.

I walk towards vending machine to grab some drinks due to thirst. I stand near the window and glance outside to see the bright blue sky. A peaceful sky, they said. I notice Blaze is heading to the hangar, carrying something.

What if...

~ Gab/Blaze's p.o.v. ~

I am drawing my F-15, while eating my snacks, while having a chat with Pops. The sun shines above us but it gives me a cool air so it doesn't make me feel too hot nor too cold. I learn how to draw planes and landscapes. My friend from Emmeria taught me how to draw when I was on a vacation. Although it's not a best drawing I've made, it still relax me a lot, and a good hobby. Next I will draw the beach.

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