Chapter 23: Prisoner Of Old Castle

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In Kestrel, Blaze finally face her brother, staring at each other silently. He has brown hair and brown eyes, standing 6 feet tall, that is Chris a.k.a. Mobius 1. After few seconds, Gab slowly approaches him.

Chris shows a smug on his face, "Oh? are you approaching me? Instead of running away, you want to get closer."

"I can't handshake with you without getting closer."

"Oh ho! Then come close as you like."

As they finally approach and get closer to one another, they face off stare once more... Then they began to do an ultimate handshake (A.k.a. Kakyoin and Polnareff's handshake, if you know what I mean).

"They watch too much anime..." Orby sighs as she watches the siblings hug each other. And she's right, they both watch anime before they ended up as pilots.

"Glad you're still alive, Gab." Chris pats her back gently.

"I miss you so much, brother." Gab quietly said. Meanwhile, the rest of the Wardog watches both hugging each other wile trying to process what is happening. They saw a ribbon emblem on one of his pilot uniform, but the most noticable is a Colonel insignia on his shoulder.

The Wardog pilots were at attention in the blink of an eye, with the exception of their flight lead.

"Good evening sir!" Edge bit out. Mobius 1 looked taken aback. Blaze pointed his insignia for a reason, he chuckles and slightly waves his hand to them.

"Settle down, You don't have to stand on ceremony on me. Call me Chris instead, just only for us, okay?"

"Y-Yes sir- I-I mean Chris." Grimm stutter while slightly blushes.

"Aww. Does a child need to teach proper words, eh?" Chopper laughs while patted his back.

"S-Shut up!" Grimm mutters. "I'm just nervous because I'm standing in front of the legendary Ace!"

"Even for us?" A man in middle age walks towards them. He has blonde hair and a pair of blue eyes. He wores his flight suit without his gear, over one of his shoulders is a Galm insignia. Blaze grins and went towards him.

"Uncle Larry!" She hugs him which receive a laugh and a hug from her uncle. Eyes widen and haws dropped comjng from her fellow comrades again when they see the infamous Solo Wing Pixy, in person.

"Oh my god..." Genette mutters in awe, "he is real."

Pixy laughs, "Of course I'm real. Haven't you watch the documentary five years ago?"

"Oh we definitely watched that!" Chopper said. "I even watch it many times before!"

"Wait, where's SkyEye?" Blaze asked.

"Oh, he wqs talking to Pops, Anderson and someone, you'll meet him later." She was curious who he was but simply shrugged and nodded.

"Now shoo and go change your clothes. We don't want you guys have cold from being wet." Chris ordered as he pushes me away.

"Yeah, yeah, just don't push me." Gab left the room with the others to change their wet clothes.


After they changed into a navy uniform which that is only available for now, The Wardog squad was called to the bridge. Once arrive, Pops, Anderson, and with blonde hair and eye glasses stood together and notice their arrival.

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