Chapter 9: A Cargo Named Hope

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22 October, 2010 0937 hrs
Sand Island

~ Gab/Blaze's p.o.v. ~

Well, its fun while it lasted. It was almost three weeks since no mission was assigned to us. Yet. We mostly relax or taught the nuggets some ACM. Few days ago, I have a dogfight against Hamilton and I won. Then we have a Beach Party, that night is helluva fun. We allowed to drink anyway, but I'm no alcoholic person. Chopper began to sing random songs he usually listen when drunk, except its crack and we cringe. One guy we have to carry back to the room and he pretend like he was taken to the hospital as if he was dying. The other guy however, ended up talking and yelling to a tree. But that night is fun.

Right now, we were called to the briefing room for a mission. This is more like a patrol around the area. Nothing special.

"Since we thwarted their invasion, we haven't seen any major offensive operation by the enemy for several weeks. Almost like we're at peace again, eh people?" Perrault said. Yeah, peace... "Anyway, let's start the briefing."

"Yuktobanian combat operations have been dormant since their failed large-scale invasion and the loss of their underwater carrier, Scinfaxi. However, there is still concern over a possible infiltration by small-scale forces from the ground and the air. You will split into flights of two and carry out patrols in the area from Akerson Hill to the northern coastline. The airspace above the grain fields extending around Akerson is covered by our Osean AA system. The system automatically fires missiles at any hostile aircraft it detects. Patrol the northern coastline of Akerson Hill, which is out of our AA system's range."

Before we all left, the base commander calls. "Before you leave, come over here."

All off us looked at each other before we walk forward to him. We didn't do anything wrong to pissed him off so why called us?

"I wanted to congratulate you two on your battlefield performance, First Lieutenant Nagase, Davenport and Grimm. As well as you Major Williams."

We were surprised. We finally got promoted. Not only that, I got promoted as a Major this fast. Well destroying the Scinfaxi and protecting the nuggets is worth for us. We received four velvet boxes: 3 single golden rectangular bars for First Lieutenant and a golden leaf pin for Major.

"Dismissed." We all saluted to him before we left.

"Handful of Hope"
22 October, 2010 1616 hrs
Akerson Hill, Osea

We patrol around the plain area, with AA defense below us of course. Me and Nagase were together alone, with Chopper and Grimm separate from us. I love to have a peaceful flight like this. I feel like, meditating in the air. This peace, calms me down. Until war happens. We survey around the area for more than twenty minutes. Then one of us decides to break the silence.

"That stupid geezer Base Commander just won't give us a break, will he?" Chopper said, huffing a bit. Of course he will complain about it.

"He's relying on us, First Lieutenant Chopper." Grimm said. "Hey, congratulations on your promotion, by the way."

"That's funny, I don't feel any better..."

I chuckled. "You should proud of yourself, Chopper. You finally got promoted. Hell, all of us did!"

"Thanks! Hell, congratulations to all of us because we all got promotions."

"Blaze is already ahead of us now." Nagase added.

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