Chapter 17: Distress Signal from the Frozen Soil

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The demon soars through dark skies

Fear and death trail its shadow beneath

Until men united wield a hollowed sabre

In final reckoning, the beast is slain


18 November, 2010 0527 hrs
Glubina, Yuktobania

~ Gab/Blaze's p.o.v. ~

My eyes slowly opens. I looked around and watch the two soldiers who crashed from a gunship still sleeping. Orby hasn't tell me any signs of Yuke soldiers around so we're still safe, for now. Grunted, and slowly stand up so I can start to make a fire again. After that I walk outside the cave, starring at the sky. Sunrise will soon come, and the weather has calmed from before. Orby soon contact me. "Morning, Gab."

"Morning, Orby. Nothing bad happen?"

"Yep. No signs of Yuke soldiers around cause of the bad weather." She said. "I even use my powers to make an invisible barrier on the end of the cave so no once can see you."

Wait, she can do that? Well, she is magic so I can't deny the fact. My tummy began to grumble and sighed. "I need to eat."

I grab the MRE and heated them on the fire. At the same time, the soldiers woke up. Good thing I brought three MREs with me before we left. Typical campers. We eat together like normal people while talking to one another. After that, I asked them if they brought weapons with them. They nodded and they show their service pistol in their holster. I have a gun as well, but I brought my bow and arrow since it doesn't make any noise. I grab the beacon and told them to get ready before moving out. The beacon helps us but it was risky. Not only would it be picked up by Osean military satellites but Yuktobania's as well. And the Yukes will definitely going to find me because I'm an Ace of Osea that took down both of their beloved submarines.

Ah, screw this. We have a man injured here and he needs medic as soon as possible. I trigger the switch and the beacon spreads the signal throughout the area. Hoping the rescue arrive before they caught us.


~ Chopper's p.o.v. ~

I woke up from my sleep at 0600 hrs. Hell, I barely even sleep last night because of what happened to Blaze. I wondering if Blaze is still safe. We have a briefing in fifteen minutes and I didn't hesitate to go there. Nagase and Grimm are inside the room as well. I could see it in their eyes, they hadn't slept either. When I sit down beside them, we looked at each other and all of us shared a nod. Everyone is prepared to rescue our dear friend. Perrault enters the room with the briefer, with Hamilton not included cause of unknown reasons that we didn't bother. It's still questioning in my head of why Blaze became friends with him so much.

"Bring back Lieutenant Colonel Williams. Don't make us have to give her a posthumous two-rank promotion." I quietly scoffed on what he said. The briefer proceeds next.

"We've succeeded in tracking down Lt. Col Gabriel Williams' distress beacon. We will now launch a combat search and rescue operation for the Lieutenant Colonel. Blaze is currently on the run from an enemy patrol. Although she's being pursued, her distress beacon is still broadcasting. This transmission is extremely weak, so we cannot confirm her location unless we get closer to the source of the signal. Follow the signal to find Blaze's concealed location as quickly as possible. Once you find her, report her location to the Sea Goblin Helicopter Squadron. The helicopter search and rescue team is expected to face stiff opposition from enemy air and ground forces. After the helicopter team picks up Lt. Col Williams, provide air support for them as they airlift her out."

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