Chapter 25: Seal The Weapon

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12 December, 2010 1053hrs
OFS Kestrel

~ 3rd person's p.o.v. ~

All pilots began to gather inside the meeting room for the next mission after taking photographs of the nuclear mine. Looks like they finally made a decision.

The old Belkan ace begins the briefing, "Alright, here's the plan," he said, pulling up the pictures Gab had taken the day before on the screen behind him. "The pictures Blaze took yesterday confirmed the President's worst fears." He looked gravely at the assembled squadrons. "Belka is shipping nukes to Osea and Yuktobania."

Murmurs flew around the room and Edge placed a hand on Blaze's knee when she noticed her face. She knew that she would be under enormous pressure on this mission to seal up the mine and stop any more nukes from getting shipped out to the front lines. She glance at her amd smile for gratitude.

"Analysis of the surveillance photos taken on the previous mission revealed tactical nuclear weapons of the same type used by Belka in the war fifteen years ago."

SkyEye continued, "These weapons, hidden in the mine, are about to be retrieved and deployed to the two aggressor squadrons in Osea and Yuktobania. The President has made his decision. Destroy the entrances to the mine before the next nuclear weapon is moved from the shaft, and bury those weapons of evil inside for good. This mission will be carried out with the usual formation. You'll need powerful and numerous weapons on target to destroy the rock face above the entrance."

"So we have to use LASM on the mountains, then?" Grimm asked.

"Correct." Cipher replied. "Razgriz, go. Except for Gab."

Blaze looks at him, confused. "Why?"

"You're still tired, so you're going to rest for today."

"But I wanted to go." Gab yawns, clearly she hasn't have enough sleep until today.

"Definitely not." He said with a stern look. "Chris will take over your position for now."

Gab hesitates as she doesn't want to leave her squad, but since she barely move her body properly and it was her father's orders, she have no choice but to follow. "Fine."

She looks at her brother, Mobius 1, "You better bring them back home alive and in one piece or I'll kill you."

Her brother grinned, "Of course I will, trust me on that."

Gab smiles and hugs him quickly. "Be safe out there."

He gave her a finger salute and went to the lockers for suit up. He decided to use his sister's F-35 so he won't recognize his real callsign with his famous plane. They took off the carrier and headed to the flight deck for take off.

"Just another day in the office." Ribbon thought. He's the first to take off the carrier, followed by the Razgriz. It's time for them to seal the weapons and never excavate again.

12 December, 2010 1312 hrs
Mt. Schirm, Belka

It was hours later when the Razgriz finally crossed the border into Belka. The weather was clear here, unlike back at the carrier, but it mattered little. This was still a place that had been affected by the detonations of the nukes those many years ago.

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