Chapter 28: Welcome Back, Captain

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As the demon sleeps, man turns on man

His own blood and madness soon cover the earth

From the depths of despair awaken the Razgriz

Its raven wings ablaze in majestic light


22 December, 2010 1325hrs
OFS Kestrel, Kirwin Island

~ 3rd person's p.o.v. ~

Cipher and Larry stood in the doorway of the Kestrel's bridge, watching the president repeatedly try to convince those within his very own country he was their acting president. Harling only got more frustrated with each attempt, the truth he wanted to deliver to his citizens and soldiers only falling on deaf ears.

The central government, now run by the vice president and his generals, censored all of it, calling it "enemy propaganda". And to make things worse, Yuktobania wasn't about to stop fighting either.

Harling sighed after the final attempt and put down the phone he was holding, tapping his foot a few times. Andersen, Cipher, and a few other crew members looked at him for a response.

"There's no way anyone will believe me like this. There's only one thing I can do now."

Cipher knew what he exactly meant. So he told his buddy to gear up and loadout their planes. Captain Andersen began to call the marines to prepaee for President's departure.

Meanwhile, at the main air base runway, Blaze's friends spend their time at the hangar as much as they can to relax and calm themselves. Nagase, who is talking to Blaze and Mobius 1, notice their parent's arrival, fully suited to fly.

"Um, why are in their flight suit?". The siblings look at Nagase's direction at and Blaze immediately stand out of the seat. "Dad, Uncle Larry, where are you two going?"

"The answer to that..." Harling's voice came and made its way to the pilots with few of the marines preparing the helicopter. The pilots stand up but he waved his hand, they all watch and listen.

"To answer your question, Blaze, I'm going back to Oured, and I'm taking control of the White House again. Applerouth has been spreading his malicious agenda for far too long and I'm not about to let him order any kind of nuclear attack."

"So how are you going to pull this off with only one squad of Marines?" Chris asked.

"I have a call from Special Task Force to guide me safely back to Oured." He answered, "the leader leaves a message for Blaze. He said, 'Hey, be careful out there and don't waste your life. You still have a lot of things to do in this world.'"

Blaze know who that was, she began to chuckle and smile. "That idiot."

"Who is it?" Grimm asked.

"You'll find out soon. Also, a lot of men and women are sick and tired of this war who wish for peace and go back to their families. Looks like it is time for us to make some more action." Everyone nod and hum in agreement.

The blades of the helicopter behind the President began to whine then spin, quickly turning into a whirling black disk that flung a heavy breeze over the entire flight deck of the Kestrel.

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