Chapter 26: Yuktobanian Standoff

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As the demon sleeps, man turns on man

His own blood and madness soon cover the earth

From the depths of despair awaken the Razgriz

Its raven wings ablaze in majestic light


16 December, 2010 1237hrs
OFS Kestrel

~ Gab/Blaze's p.o.v. ~

Despite our previous status as enemies, Vikhor was greeted well by the crew and operators of the Kestrel, and the pilot responded to it in kind. Handshakes, head nods and smiles were all around as the Yuke got acquainted with those he would be spending his time with. He even got a chance to meet and talk with President Harling.

I was standing above the deck of an aircraft carrier, feeling the cold breeze sqaying through my body. I raise my arms and check the date and time.

Few more days 'til its Christmas.

I sighed, knowing we can't celebrate with missions like this. I really miss my mom, who's with someone dad knew. Hopefully, this war won't last longer than I expected.

"You seem pretty our of you, today." I turn around seeing dad was standing there, smoking.

I smile, "Nah, its just Christmas is coming soon."

"Too bad we can't celebrate with your mother." He sighed, he is now standing beside her, exhaling the smoke coming from his cigar. "Did Orby check her on her condition today?"


It took a few seconds before Orby responds, "She's on the bed now, looking at the photo albums of you and your family."

I laugh a bit, when dad saw my smile, he knew that she is fine. He patted my shoulders, "Once this war is over, we get to go home and spend our entire time together with her."

I can't help myself but to cry a bit. My dad throws the cigar to the sea and hugs me tightly. I embrace his warm hug, staying like this for about a minute. Just in time, uncle Larry came.

" Hey, Cipher, Gab. We got a briefing today, ASAP."

"We're coming!" My dad shouted. We soon went to the briefing room with others are there now, including Vikhor, waiting for our arrival.

"So Belkans, again?" I asked.

"Not this time." Pops replied. "We've intercepted another mysterious radio transmission. This time it specifies a location within Yuktobania. It's probably... well, this is just a hunch on my part, but I bet that's where the nuclear weapon sent into Yuktobania is located. And there's another set of numbers. This time it's a radio frequency."

He then turned to SkyEye, who stepped forward. "Your next missions is a reconnaissance flight above a canyon in the northern highlands of Yuktobania, the place described in the unidentified radio transmission. The highlands are completely covered by the Yuktobania air defense system, so the only place to fly is within the canyon itself."

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