Chapter 11: It's Them, Not Us

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2 November, 2010 0830 hrs
Briefing Room

~ Grimm's p.o.v. ~

"Another mission after mission yesterday... Yay." Blaze tiredly said. Although she isn't look tired at all cause she sleeps so early. But yeah, we just finished our intense mission yesterday, and now we're receive new missions today. I barely have any rest at all. I hope this new mission will be easy.

"The Yuktobanian force that defended the Bastok Peninsula is staging a large-scale withdrawal from the area. After analyzing the situation, we have determined that they are pulling back their force to regroup their defense network and strengthen their capital defenses. Yuktobania's southern armies sustained heavy damage during our landing operation, and their defensive warpower has weakened considerably. Their withdrawal is currently proceeding under the curtain of a set of electronic jamming signals. The enemy's air forces consist primarily of transport planes. Pursue these planes, destroy them, and halt their retreat."

I heard Blaze scoffed. "Not only that we're dealing with jamming signals, but the area they probably going are near civilians."

"We don't have a choice, do we?" Chopper asked.

"Who knows, everyone suit up." Blaze left already before us. Something happened to her after our previous mission.

"Hey, you think the Captain is okay?" I asked.

"She now taking missions more serious than before, and she might be strict as usual once we are in the air now." Chopper said. "Nagase, did you talk to Kid about her situation."

She shook his head. "She didn't told me at all. Maybe we should ask what is her problem after the mission."

"That's a good idea." We all suit up and hop in to our planes. I wish everything went smoothly.

"Blind Spot"
2 November, 2010 1011 hrs
Dresdene, Yuktobania

Once we reach the operation area, we all drop our external tanks. I heard Chopper calling Blaze. "Hey Kid, did you take a listen to that song?" he asked joyfully.

"Yep. It was a good song actually."

"Yeah, that "Face of the Coin" is a great tune, huh?"

I tell you, this place is freezing. I should wear jacket next time, or I just simply turn off the air conditioner in my plane. Before we all engage the enemies, Blaze radioed us.

"Remember, there are some areas that filled with civilians. Avoid causing casualties." Then her tone change to a dark, scary one, "If any of you dare to do it will be shot down immediately, allies or not."

I gulped. I know none of us are going to attack civilians, I don't know about the enemies. I have to be careful when targeting the transport planes, they might crash on the civilian area as well.

"Enemies on the radar." I said after I spotted two enemy fighters. They're F-14.

"Blaze, engaging."

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