Chapter 13: Synchronization

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7 November, 2010 0850 hrs
Briefing Room, Sand Island

~ Gab/Blaze's p.o.v. ~

We finally return home to Sand Island yesterday. Of course, I didn't forget to bought souvenirs for Pops. Remember the time we stayed at my house? Yeah Chopper and Grimm got shit scared the hell out cause I spook them at midnight. Then he ended up wearing my t-shirt and thought it was my brother's. I also give Nagase my clothes I didn't use, but don't worry I laundry and iron them before giving them to her. Plus, we both have the same size. And Orby started to tease me after I bumped my head on a light pole while starring at a man who proposed to his future wife. And she keeps telling me that I should find a date right now. I mean excuse me I am too busy to find love right now! Even my brother is still single y'know!

However, I can't forget the day when Yukes attacked the airport and the college town, such merciless to use chemical weapons at these people. I still have a video record from our last mission. I read the news about it and there were over 17% of people died. Surprisingly, they were able to reach Oured when they are so far away from one another. And the top brass should be alert about their invasion, but how?

Anyway, I was l was 10 minutes early for the briefing. Yeah, there is a slight chance I will be in the briefing room that early. While I waiting for them, I write down in my diary about what is gonna happen today. Now to think of it, what happens to Captain Bartlett now? He's probably still in the POW camp in Yuktobania. I hope he's not dead or else... I don't know what Nagase feels about it.

Speaking of Nagase, my wingmen finally arrived. They look a bit tired as usual, I too. But I sleep early so I can get a lot of rest than before. After they sit on their chairs, the top brass came and thus begins the briefing. Starring by Perrault.

"I will now brief the details of your mission orders. That's all I have to say to you right now, people. If you all really are innocent, then I suggest you prove it out there on the battlefield." Got ya. Just prove it by fighting. Damn Osea...

"We have confirmed the existence of a Yuktobanian munitions factory in the arid region of Sonza. According to our information, they have already produced a new shipment of arms, that is about to be airlifted to the front by a squadron of enemy transport aircraft. Carry out an attack on the facility, and keep these transports from making their delivery. Unfortunately, this factory is well protected by a solid radar network. The network consists of a group of interlinked radar sites. If even one radar site goes offline, the system is designed to immediately report the problem to the factory. However, according to our analysis, if all four radar sites can be destroyed simultaneously, then we will be able to delay the warning of our attack. Thanks to jamming from our electronic warfare planes, we've just managed to open up a attack corridor to the radar sites. Your squadron will split up and fly four routes. Infiltrate the area, synchronize your attacks, and destroy all four radar sites at the same time."

So we have to destroy all the radar sites at the SAME time. We have to time this right if we have to. I have to make sure everyone follows. I'll let Nagase do the countdown cause she's good at it. As usual, we equipped our planes with bombs (FAEB for life!). We hopped into our planes and left the Sand Island for our new mission. This is going to be toasty.

"Four Horsemen"
7 November, 2010 1306 hrs
Sonza, Eastern Yuktobania

We arrived at Sonza, the rugged desert region. With the installation and arrangement of this kind of radar site, I'd say they hiding something special.

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