Chapter 12: Chain of Retaliation

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4 November, 2010 1824 hrs
Briefing Room, Central Command Building, Osea

~ Gab/Blaze's p.o.v. ~

We all gathered inside the briefing room for our emergency sortie. Regardless, I am gaining confidence about proving ourselved that we are innocent. Im sure of it. Speaking of sortie, the coin landed on heads, so it means we all taking the mission in the airport. Our planes were there so we have to make a run for it before they destroyed them. You know how hard it is to get my plane I used. The briefer arrived and thus begins the briefing.

"Yuktobanian aircraft have suddenly been detected on radar southwest of Oured. They are flying in the direction of Apito International Airport, located in the area between Oured Bay and the capital. Apito International is a civilian airport. The enemy's intentions are unknown. Passengers and personnel are currently being evacuated, but the sudden appearance of the enemy has plunged the airport into chaos. Intercept and engage the invading enemy formation and protect Apito International Airport."

So there are still civilians in the airport. My life becomes jeopardy. I groaned in annoyance, but I stood up and left the room. I heard Chopper mumbles, "These guys can't give us a break."

"I know, Chopper." I said. "However, we have a civilian to protect so stop complaining already. Also, two of us must equip with air-to-ground missiles. I have a hunch that there's more than just planes." We all hopped in the vehicles as the driver speed up as much as he can to reach the airport in time.

"Chain Reaction"
4 November, 2010 2024 hrs
Apito International Airport, Oured

We are all already inside our planes and deploy immediately. We don't have an AWACS support so I have to rely to Orby and my instincts. The airport is filled with lights under the night sky. With civilian aircrafts still active on the runway.

"I can't believe they flipped a goddamn coin for this mission! That isn't funny man..." grumbled Chopper. Can't help but to agree with him. Why don't they let us choose a mission, or at least perform a Joint Assault op like I did back on Earth. But here is no point of complain anymore.

"Now I started to hate the government here in Osea." Orby grunted. "I know the president is decent, but the rest? Nope."

I sighed. "I swear to my life. After this war, I'm leaving Osea. That's official." And might as well join Air Force again, which is going back to square one. But that'll be easy. We finally arrived at the airport, and see several enemy fighters around. "Wardog, disperse and defend the airport!" We all spread out and hit full throttle.

"This is the Airport Control Tower! All planes, cancel takeoff clearance! All approaching flights, change course immediately!"

"Change our course? Change it to where?" the airline pilot became confused. They probably didn't know the airport is under attack. I detected an F-14 at my three so I bank left and fly straight towards the plane. That pilot must've noticed me and went head on to me. I grinned as I launched two missiles simultaneously and break off immediately. As expected, two missiles landed hits and destroyed the fighter.

"This is Air Ixiom Flight 31. A high-speed aircraft just passed by us six hundred yards away!" Air Ixiom? Wait, that's the plane from Usea!

"They're allied fighters taking off on an emergency mission. All flights, be heads up for mid-air collisions!" Responded the Control Tower.

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