Chapter 27: Bird of Destruction

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19 December, 2010 1125hrs
OFS Kestrel

~ 3rd Person's p.o.v. ~

Having a bad day is a common problem to most of the humans, but for the people in Kestrel, things are getting worse. Everyone gathered in the mess hall, including Galm team, Mobius 1, and also President Harling himself. Razgriz knew something important is about to say when the president is here with them.

"The intelligence vessel Andromeda has picked up another encrypted transmission in Belkan. They changed the code on us, so it took a little longer to decipher the message. The content is as follows: 'N attack by A-Sat on Okchabursk to commence at 1400 hours'."

Nagase's heart skipped a beat when Pops read the translated message to them within the briefing room. Blaze made a slow head turn to look at her when the realization hit all of them with different effects, and she knew she was going to take it the worst.

"There's going to be a nuclear attack?!" Chopper exclaimed.

"If it does," Grimm piped up, "then there's only one kind of A-sat that I know of that's capable of making it."

There was a stunned silence then Cipher said what everyone was thinking. "So this means that Arkbird is back online, and if this is right, it means that the Gray Men have control of it and they're going to use it to nuke a city of millions in Yuktobania."

Blaze hissed, "And I thought the nuke the resistance defused is only one in Yuktobania."

"When the Task Force interrogate the captured Belkans from the Nuclear mining facility back at Mt. Schirm, they said that the Grey Men took three nukes to both countries." Pops stated.

"So the first nuke was already dismantled by the resistance." Mobius 1 explained, looking at the crowd, "The second one is at the Arkbird, then the third one..."

"... is already arrived at the Osea." Snow finished the sentence.

"How are they planning to attack Yuktobania, anyway?" Blaze asked, she needs to know their plan in order to find a strategy to destroy it.

"In order for the Arkbird to attack Okchaburks, a city in Yuktobania, at 1400 hours, it must make one major correction to its orbital trajectory, as stated."

Pops pointed to the projector as it shifted to the Ceres Ocean, zooming in specifically on a section close by to a small collection of unknown islands. Cipher narrowed his eyes and leaned forward. So that was to be the area of interception, he figured.

"To do this, it must first drop into the upper atmosphere and use air friction to lower its speed. We have already calculated the time and location in which this maneuver will occur. Your mission is to destroy the Arkbird. This is your only chance."

Cipher clasp his hand, "Alright, everyone suit up and head to your planes."

Everyone stand up to their seats and left the room, except for one.

"Miss Nagase." Harling called, "May I have a word with you?"

Nagase looked at Blaze and she gave a nod before leaving her with Harling. "Is there something you want to talk about, sir?"

"Its about the Arkbird." He said, "I couldn't possibly send someone that cares so much for the white bird to destroy it. Ultimately, it's your choice to participate in this mission. If you don't want to, you don't have to."

She didn't know what to say. The President was in front of her giving a choice whether or not to take part in destroying the Arkbird. There was no choice to be made, though. The lives of the millions of people are at stake, loosing then is not an option anymore.

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