Chapter 22: Loose Ends

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"The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from the enemies."

"Change your story, change your life. Basically that's how it is."


7th December, 2010 0113 hrs
Crew Barracks, Sand Island

Pops sits in the couch in Genette's room. Kirk lays at his feet, wide awake still. Kirk, at his age, can't afford to lose sleep but something tells him to stay up. So he waits. He sleep can come in the morning.

Genette hangs up the phone and turns to Pops. His face, puzzled over what he heard a while ago.

"Would it surprise you if I said that President Harling is nowhere to be found in the capital?"

"Not really", Pops replies without missing a beat. "The hard-line war Osea's waging right now hardly resembles the peace policy the President was promoting. Let me guess, he disappeared right before we invaded Yuktobania, right?"

"Exactly. My journalist friends told me that nobody's seen him enter or leave his office since. All his decisions are communicated thru the Vice President. And it gets better," explained Genette before he put a hand on his hip, his expression hardening. "A lot of the military officers that resigned over disagreement with President's arms-reduction plan have started to return to the capital."

Pops stopped petting Kirk and rubbed his calloused hands together, making a sound like sandpaper being scratched.

He looked down at them, seeing the age and wrinkles in his skin. Its time to tell the truth.

"I found out something myself. That Belkan aggressor force I was telling you about...apparently they're called the 8492nd Squadron."

Genette's eyes widened when the name struck a bell deep within his psyche, recalling earlier memories of hearing Nagase speak about the very same squadron that relieved her and the others over Akerson Hill.

It was also the name brought up by Blaze during his interrogation after the Dresdene incident. The voice he had heard over the radio, Blaze insisted, belonged to the 8492nd leader.

"Also, and here's the kicker..." said Pops, rubbing his hands together again. "Captain Hamilton, the Adjutant Base Commander here, used to be assigned to the 8492nd."


The roar of jet engines shook the building and Gennette forgot his surprise for a moment to run to the window.

He parted the blinds and spotted four jets circling over the base to enter their landing approach. It was the Wardog Squadron, they'd returned from Yuktobania.

"They're back."


"There's no point in talking to that blockhead commander. He treated our president like an idiot just because he wanted peace." growled Nagase.

"Too damn right he won't," Chopper added. "What do we do Kid?"

"How about Major Hamilton?" Grimm suggested.

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