Chapter 30: ACES

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As the demon sleeps, man turns on man

His own blood and madness soon cover the earth

From the depths of despair awaken the Razgriz

Its raven wings ablaze in majestic light


30 December, 2010 1618hrs
OFS Kestrel, Ceres Ocean, Osea

~ 3rd person's p.o.v. ~

At the flight deck, Gab is standing at the edge of the ship, watching the ocean waving, and the air breeze passing through them. She's still thinking about her memories before reincarnation that just return to her head, knowing now that she took down three SOLGs before but only in virtual. It needs to confirm if the SOLG in this world is the same as before. She didn't realize someone is calling her until they tapped on her shoulder. Blaze turned around and saw Nagase.

"Nagase? What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you." Nagase said, "I began to worry when you didn't join us in the mess hall. Is there something wrong?"

Blaze shakes her head, "Not really. I just want to feel the calm of the ocean."

"I see." They both look at the horizon, taking calmness as much as possible. Nagase remembers the time when Blaze first arrives at Sand Island. They quickly became friends with Chopper and Grimm, fought together, and survived together. She smiles at how much they've been through but they're still here, to fight in the shadows, to end the war.

"Nagase, Blaze." They turn around, spot Grimm standing not too far from their position. "Pops has called us for a meeting now. They've finally cracked the code from Major's CD."

The girls look at each other before following Grimm to the briefing room. There, Chopper, Snow, and Pops are already waiting for them to arrive.

"Have a seat. We will start the briefing." As they followed what he said, the lights turn off, and the projector projected images from the disc.

"We've decoded the disc the 'Major' brought back with her. It contained the blueprints for a "Mass Retaliation Weapon" (MRW) codenamed: "V2", a far more powerful than the two tactical nukes the Belkans used in the last war." started Pops as he flashed blueprints and diagrams of the specific nuclear weapon across the projector screen.

"It was never fully developed at the time, but it appears that they've secretly completed its construction in the 15 years since the war. The V2 is a MIRV could wipe out half of all the large cities in either Osea or Yuktobania. So where would they deploy it? It had to be in the SOLG, which was also secretly completed and is now operational."

Nagase covered her mouth in shock, Snow and Grimm were left speechless, and Chopper only frowned in disgust. Blaze remained stoic as she looks at the blueprints of the V2. To think humans are capable of making such destructive weapons.

"Pops changed the images to show a huge satellite none of the pilots had ever seen before, with a massive barrel and other various parts near the other end of its one-kilometer long octagonal body that contained the barrel.

"After all, it was built to function as an orbital platform for such weapons in the first place. The SOLG itself is unmanned; we know it's controlled from the ground, but we didn't know where." continued Pops, the manner in which he spoke worrying the pilots that they still hadn't found the location yet.

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