Chapter 3: Sea of Grave

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Amidst the eternal waves of time

From a ripple of change shall the storm rise

Out of the Abyss peer the eyes of a demon

Behold the Razgriz, its wings of black sheath


Genette is installing a camera on the top side corner of the room he was in, which is Chopper's room. After he turned it on, he steps back looking at it.

"This was the room, or cell, I have been assigned to." He motioned his arms, showing the room he was in.

27 September, 2010 1205 hrs
Crew Quarters, Sand Island

Inside the room is Genette sitting on the bed with his visitor, Captain Hamilton, sitting on the couch in front of him. Unlike his superior, the Base Commander who locked him in there, he was very reasonable with him. He even got him his camera back, saying that if his uncle wasn't a soldier, he would've liked to have a job like his.

Two of them have a nice talk to one another for a good few minutes. During their conversation, the landline phone is at the narrow desk beside the window. Hamilton got up and answer it for Genette. He listen and responds a few times before he hung up, tapping his index fingers on the phone thrice. Then Hamilton looks at the journalist, smiling which makes Genette worried.

"Well...We don't have a reason to hold you here anymore," he said calmly, Genette being taken by surprise at the fact.

"What do you mean?" He asked as the Captain's face turn serious.

"Yuktobania just declared war. They're launched an offensive simultaneously too. Our naval port at St. Hewlett is getting bombed right now." he said sourly before exiting the room hastily, adjusting his hat on the way out. Genette was shocked at the declaration of war. Stood on the floor for a second before he turned to the window and pulled down one of the blinds, peeking from the confines of his "cell" to the outside world.

There were only three of them now.


"Narrow Margin"
27 September, 2010 1443 hrs
St. Hewlett Naval Port,  Osea

~ Gab/Blaze's p.o.v. ~

"I still don't get it. Why did Yuktobania declare war against Osea? But then again, US and Russia also hate each other. But at least they prevent themselves from killing the entire world. I don't know how these both countries work anyway." I thought to myself while flying towards the harbor, with Nagase being the lead. The silence lasted long after Thunderhead's voice came out of the radio.

"Due to pressing circumstances, I'll be issuing an in-flight briefing." He sent information to our Hud as he began the briefing.

"Our naval port at St. Hewlett reports that Yuktobania aircraft have launched a surprise attack on the port. The situation there is critical with widespread panic. Ships from the 3rd Osean Naval Fleet docked at the port are currently under attack and taking heavy losses. Hurry to provide air cover for our naval vessels attempting to escape the bay. One of these is the aircraft carrier OFS Kestrel. It is the flagship of the 3rd Fleet and a critical combat asset. You must protect the Kestrel at all costs." Wait, Kestrel? Does that ship survive the Belkan war? That ship is a madlad. Reminds me of USS Enterprise, the CV-6. Well, except she ended up scrapping parts and building another one.

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