Chapter 5: Unwelcome Surprise

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28 September, 2010 0811hrs
Sand Island

~ Grimm's p.o.v. ~

"Kid. I know you are already a nutjob in the air. But.. you have to do that?!" Chopper exclaimed in a walkie-talkie.

"But it makes things more fun." She replied.

"Seriously? Guys, I think she lost it."

Let me explain what's happening. Blaze brought an arrow and a bow with her so she can do archery outside. For what reason? To relieve her boredom on this island. I agree with her as there's not much to do here. The only thing that entertains me is to help the mechanics, mostly Pops. Okay back to the archery. She asked us to bring a mannequin, a stand for the apple, and some apples. There are some people also watching her, even the journalist Genette is here, too. The first one is to attempt to shoot an apple above the mannequin's head 30 feet away. Her aim was so precise that she was able to hit directly to the apple. The second one is 50 feet away from the target, and on top of the jeep. She looks at the range of the target carefully, stops her breath for a few seconds, and releases the arrow. It landed! Everyone was amazed at her archery skills. I wonder where she learned that. The third one is the craziest among the three and the reason why Chopper shouted on a walkie-talkie Lieutenant Blaze gave him. She will attempt to shoot an apple, while on top of the second-floor building. I mean that's crazy! No one can land a shot like that.

"Do you think she will make that shot?" I asked.

"I don't know," Nagase answered. "But seeing her landed a bullseye on the previous two, I guess she can do it."

"But still, it's crazy and I don't think anyone can land a shot," Chopper added. We saw Blaze already on top of the building.

"I'm ready." I watch her put an arrow on the bow and slowly pull the string. She aims at the apple for like few seconds, then suddenly, she raises the bow and releases the arrow. The arrow flies higher then lower, faster. And... It landed perfectly on the apple. Without hitting the mannequin. Not a single bit of scratch. We all stay silent for five seconds before everyone howling in surprise.

"Holy shit! How does she do that?!" One of the personnel exclaimed in shock.

"That girl must be a veteran archer!"

"Better not mess with her or you have an arrow in our heads." One of them mutters which I clearly hear that. And yeah, I agree with him. I bet Genette already noted what he saw. After the crowd disperses and returns to their respective places, Blaze returns with us smiling while carrying the case where her bow was.

"Kid, that was a professional skill you got there!" Chopper said while nudging her. "Not only that you can cook, you can fly, and fix planes, but also can do archery!"

She scratches her cheeks and laughs nervously. "Actually... I still have plenty of talents hidden."

"But Blaze, isn't it confusing and hard for you to do different professions at once?" Nagase asked.

"Yeah, I know that. But learning different things, even the crazy ones, can be amazing memories to have." We all chat for a few minutes while walking back to the building when one of the personnel went to us. "Lieutenant Williams. The Colonel wants to see you."

Blaze looks at him and then looks at us. Sighs in defeat. "Chopper, can you put this case near my door. I'll go to the Colonel Donut."

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