Chapter 6: Bird of Peace

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30 September, 2010 2007 hrs
Heierlark Air Force Base

~ Nagase's p.o.v. ~

We set off for the northern region to refuel. This place is paradise compared to what's further ahead. Beyond our destination lies the closed gate to Nord Belka.

Fifteen years ago, the Belkans set off seven nuclear bombs there to stave off the advancing allied forces, entombing themselves in the frozen valleys to the north. That bit of history should've been enough of a lesson for us all. The seven Belkan cities near the gate were vaporized and the local area is still highly radioactive.

Our landing point was in the state of North Osea, formally a haven for Belkans but now entrusted to Osean rule. If you refer to it by that name in front of a local, though, he'll put a scowl on his face and tell you that this is South Belka.

Heierlark meant a lot to us. Our flight training took place here on this airfield. On the base, we were surrounded by junior cadets eager to hear war stories.

The newspaper article about us, written by that journalist Genette, made it here faster than we did. Somewhere along the line, we had become the most experienced pilots in the entire war.

Us, Captain Bartlett's nuggets.


We gather inside the room, where nuggets are. I say, he is a great storyteller. Chopper begins to tell stories about our first mission. I try my best not to smile, while Grimm is blushing. Embarrassed by the story Chopper made. When it comes to Blaze's story, the nuggets were amazed, especially about her advanced maneuvers. I wish I can be as great as her.

"Excuse me, what's your captain look like?" One of the nuggets asked. They haven't seen her face because she talks with the base commander first.

"Oh, I tell you. She's super young, pretty too. She always care for us, hung out with other people, and was kind to others. But when in the air, she's flying crazy, cool, calm, and determine to fight. I'll tell you now, better not piss her off or the coffin boys dance with you." We all laugh at the last part. Just in time, Blaze arrived with a cup of hot chocolate in her hand. Her face is serious, something happens.

"Captain, what's wrong?" Grimm asked.

It takes a few seconds for her to speak. "Orders from the Central. And I hate to say this to you all. I meant everyone in this room." I have a bad feeling about this. "The Central Command ordered the activation of all pilots."

Everyone fell silent. One of the nuggets asks, "What do you mean about that?"

"It means... All of the nuggets here are going to Sand Island for immediate advance training and combat development."

"WHAT?!" Chopper explained in the entire room. "Have they lost their mind?!"

"They haven't begun the ACM training!" I added. What are they even thinking?!

"As much as the base commander and I hate it, we can't deny orders. All of you get some sleep. We're leaving at six in the morning." All we disperse and went to their room to sleep. But Blaze is left behind as she sits on the couch. Watching the snowfall while drinking her hot chocolate. I decided to spend with her, at least. I walk and sit beside her.

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