Chapter 14: Demons Of Razgriz

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The demon soars through dark skies

Fear and death trail its shadow beneath

Until men united wield a hollowed sabre

In final reckoning, the beast is slain

~ Gab/Blaze's p.o.v. ~

Few days later, my wingmen finally return back from their homes. I'm so happy that they able to spend with their families. I wish I could too. They told me about what they're doing back home. They even brought souvenir for us. Hell, they give me a lot of baking ingredients just to make desserts for them(are they trying to make me turn into a chef of Sand Island Base?). I am thankful enough to have these cause I'm definitely make some of them.

Oh. During their vacation, I taught the nuggets some advance flying maneuvers that I learned from my Dad. I mostly taught them about air refueling cause that's the thing they are still struggling with. Even I was struggling on that. Genette interviewed me about my flying skills and about the war. There is times I miss my buddies now that I'm alone here, especially my family. I usually spend time with Pops in the hangar, told me stories about his previous life 15 years ago. Or hang out with Hamilton whenever he's not busy from his *cough* paperwork. I liking him right now. I already talk to Orby about leaving OADF after the war, and moved to other country I can rely on to defend and to keep flying on the skies. My parents haven't know about it yet.

Today, Orby woke me up early cause we have a very very important mission to do. I woke up at 5 am then did my daily routine. I ate some breakfast after, but I brought another cup of coffee and bring it to the briefing room. The others came in after including Genette, and we wait until the briefing started.


November 14th, 2010 0612 hrs
Briefing Room, Sand Island

~ 3rd person's p.o.v. ~

Despite the hectic mood among the staff at HQ, the start of the briefing was delayed. But the weary pilots, knowing full well that they must force their exhausted bodies back into the air once the order was given, weren't the slightest bit disturbed by the delay. Chopper and Grimm were sitting next each other, chatting about random topics. Blaze just grab an extra chair and place both if her legs on top of it while drinking her coffee. She observes Nagase writing something on her small red book she had. There were thorned pages and some pieces of paper at the back of the book cover.

"Hey. What are you writing down there?" Blaze asked.

"I just can't remember this next phrase..." Nagase said quietly.

"May I take a look? If you may?"

"Oh. Not at all, Blaze." Nagase smiles and she held her book out a little so the girls can both look at it.

"'A Blue Dove for the Princess'..." Blaze muttered. "I remember reading this before when I was a child. Where was the last part..."

She was humming, thinking what it is to add. "The princess couldn't feed the dove that day..."

"She was too sick." Nagase added, scribbled down the note on the side and filling the words correctly. "Thank you for the guide, Blaze."

She chuckles, "Anytime."

"Razgriz..." Chopper leans forward to talk to the girls. "The Demon of Razgriz got her, right?"

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