Chapter 10: Counterstrike

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1 November, 2010 1345 hrs
Sand Island

~ Gab/Blaze's p.o.v ~

I wonder if Mr. Cargo, or President Harling, already reach North Point. If he does, my brother must give me a call about it. And about this squadron... The 8492nd squadron. I never heard of it, did I? Ugh, I can't remember the day he told me about this before I died. Is this how old people feels about forgetting some of the past?

"I mean, you look old."

"Hey! I'm not that old!" I retorted.

"Then why you can't remember it?"

"Hey, I can remember my past. Not the past before I died."

"This is going to be tough for you. Well, its up to you know how you going to finish this war." Orby said, and she's right. Now the past life I have before started to get faded, I have to do in my way to go though this story without dying.

I went to the hangar to meet up with Pops. Wearing a small body bag with me. When I came, I saw him in the hangar, having maintenance to my plane. "Hey Pops! I brought some sodas and snacks with me."

"Oh Blaze, good to see you." He climbs down the ladder he stepped in and walks towards me. "It's nice to see you came by."

"Oh Pops, y'know how much I care about you and others." I chuckled. "I should thank you for teaching those nuggets well. They finally improve a lot ever since."

"Hey, you taught them too, Blaze. And you made them back alive. That's all that matters." He said. If the nuggets didn't survive the Scinfaxi attack, this base will be fully dull and quiet.

"Anyways, I want to install these on my plane." I put the body bag on the table.

"What is this?"

"Cameras. I have to install them around my plane. Inside and out." I said in serious tone.

"I didn't expect for you to do this." He replied. "You're not planning to post them on YouTube, do you?"

"Of course not! This is personal!" I said. "And for remembrance."

Pops laughs. "You are a weird one, Blaze. But will do." Oh finally he accepted it. "Did something happen that made you add these?"

"About that..." I sit on a chair near the hangar, sighing. "Ever since our previous mission, I've been bothering about this squadron that was going to rescue President Harling."

"Which squadron?"

"8492. Do you know?"

Pops thinks deeply about it for a while before he shook his head. "No. But I'll help you solve this case if you want."

"Thanks Pops. You're the only one I can rely on." I said. "I might ask help to the others as well. Of course, not now. We still need to find evidence and information about the squadron... And this war as well."

"I agree with you." Pops said. I wish I can ask help to my wingmen, but I can't. They were still oblivious about this situation.

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