Chapter 18: Burn in Blaze!

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Sorry for the late update. I took a break from Ace Combat and try other military films and games. This is going to be a slow update.

This mission will be very short since its not that much interesting. But hope you have fun.


25 November, 2010 0545 hrs
Briefing Room, Sand Island

~Gab/Blaze's p.o.v. ~

Few days have passed since the day where they rescued me and the two soldiers who are in the crashed gunship. I took a physical check, which I only have bruise in some parts of my body but I'm completely fine. My wingmen were so worried about me that they were tired and sleepy, especially Nagase. I let them rest as my order. Then after that day, I cook a lot for them as a celebration (It was their idea not mine) and a promise I made last time. Even in painful times, I am glad that I am still alive.

There is one time where they almost caught me talking to Orby when she showed up just to see her in person again. She immediately vanished after the door opens. I was sweating bullets that day. I can't let them see her, not now, it was very hard for them to understand everything.

Today, we're having a briefing for our upcoming mission. And again I was five minutes early so I seat on a chair with my legs are laying on another chair. My wingmen came after, a bit tired as I expected. They should follow my example next time where I slept early. After they came, surprisingly, Major Hamilton came instead with the intel officer.

"Seems like the base commander is taking a nice nap, eh?" Orby said.

"And for a good reason, we don't have to worry about him yapping at us." I said. Hamilton explained to us that there will be two operations in this mission.

"What?! Whaddaya mean it's our turn to choose?" Chopper exclaimed as I immediately covered his mouth. He hurt my ears.

"Both operations want Wardog as back up. Since you two cannot be in two places at once, we have decided to use this," Hamilton held up a quarter, "to decide your mission."

"What?! Wh-- Ow!"

"Can you stop yelling at my ears? It freaking hurts." I grunted while rubbing my ear after I smacked Chopper's head. The Major tossed the coin, and landed on heads. The room became dark once the lights turned off and the Projector projects the map and the mission briefing start.

"This mission will be referred to as "Operation Desert Arrow." The operation will be spread across the entire northern part of the Jilachi Desert. Its final target is at two separate strategic positions: The field HQ in the northern region of the mission area, and the airfield in the western region. A bomber squadron will attack the field headquarters, while the Army 1st Tank Battalion will advance toward the airstrip. Your mission this time is to protect both units from defending enemy forces. This operation is spread out across the entirety of a wide command area. You'll be up against a large number of enemy forces, so choose your opponents carefully. Don't try to take on all of them. Destroying a certain number of enemy forces within your allotted time on station will be considered successful completion of the mission. Operation Desert Arrow commences today at 1050 hours."

There is a good news and bad news about this mission: Bad news, its going to be hot. Good news, time to use my freaking Pulse Lazers!

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