Chapter 20: Witness and The Truth

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Every life has its own miracles, in a good way or a bad way.


3rd December, 2010 0937hrs
Sand Island, Osea

~ Gab/Blaze's p.o.v ~

Today is a peaceful day with no missions or whatsoever. I let the nuggets take a break for a week after a whole hell happened to November City, good thing we all survive. Then the next day, I have a talk with Orby outside the building about our investigation so far. Nothing much new so I have to sleep immediately so I can make hot chocolate in the morning. Not much of a coffee type.

Speaking of hot chocolate, I just realized that Christmas is coming soon. And yet we're still in the middle of a damn war. I wish we could end this war as early as possible so I can spend Christmas and New year with my family. Let's hope for that.

And since its December, I asked permission from Perrault to decorate the interior with christmas decor which he accepted it (with a hint of anger in his veins). So we started to grab some christmas decors and other materials to make our own ornaments. Needless to say, the nuggets were pretty excited to go on a vacation to meet their families. Maybe this is my chance to investigate around since I believe we have an impostor among us.

"Hey, Chopper. Can you get the tacks, please?" Grimm asked.

"Sure, hang on." I watched Chopper grabbed the tape from the box while Grimm, who is standing on a ladder, still holding the decors at the ceiling in place. Nagase was designing angel ornaments while I clean some furniture and shelves. Yes, cleaning is my style. Orby is still active, having a mind conversation with one another, like talking to an imaginary friend.

"Hey, Kid." Chopper walks towards me. "Got any money in ya? I'm going to buy some drinks for us."

"Yeah, Sure." I grab my wallet and gave him some money. Not even ten minutes he is already lazy. Ahh Motormouth, you need to change. He left the room then I proceed to clean up. I wonder how's Captain Bartlett doing now? Its been months since he became POW. Good thing Nagase didn't feel grief so much at all.

"Oh, we got two nuggets running through the hallway." Orby said.

"Probably on a rush on something. Nothing special." I said as I watched those two running. Didn't they told not to run the hallway? Before I return back to my job, one of them bumps the other guy by accident and hardly hit the ladder. Grimm is loosing balance and- oh shit, the decors about to break!

"Orby! I need boost!" I said.

"Okay!" I can feel a strong energy flowing through my body. With her help, I gain a lot of speed to catch Grimm and the ladder. He fell to the side of the boxes which containing the decors we've made. Phew, good thing I saved it. "You okay, Grimm?"

"I-I'm good." Grimm said, nervous. Blushing a bit. Why is he blu- oh. His face was too close to my body I see. Innocent ace. I glare at the two nuggets who are standing in front of us.

"Why did I tell you about running on the hallway." I said, lecturing them while helping Grimm to stand up.

"I'm sorry, Colonel..." One of them apologize, followed by the other.

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