Chapter 24: Solitaire

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As the demon sleeps, man turns on man

His own blood and madness soon cover the earth

From the depths of despair awaken the Razgriz

Its raven wings ablaze with majestic light


~ 3rd person's p.o.v. ~

The next day, the fighting in and around Cinigrad was intensifying almost by the hour as the two armies clashed, gained ground, then were forced to retreat as the other force rallied and retook the ground it had lost. It was a back and forth duel of the worst kind and the casualties were mounting fast.

Once again, some people were in the Kestrel's mess hall, watching the news reports from half the world away.

"This almost look like World War 2..." Gab thought.

"Well, its not as worse as that war." Orby said. "But it's still painful to see some soldiers died and never able to see their families again."

"Well, that is war for you. Who suggest to let this happen? Is the one who let us do our jobs." Gab took a sip of a coffee after she yawns. She really wish to sleep early today especially that now she's tired. She lacks sleep today because pf thinking too much, worried about her comrades once they face something dangerous.

"There you are, Gab." Pixy came out from the door, Gab notice his appearance. "You look tired."

"I'm fine. Just need to drink some coffee." Blaze smile, "So what is it you need?"

"Oh, right. President Harling wants to see you at the bridge. Follow me."

Gab sighs and follows him. She looks at her uncle. "What is it about?"

"Andromeda just picked up a message,and the President has our new orders."



"Who's the message from?"

"No idea, it just gave us a set of latitude and longitude, a time, and the number of votes President Harling won in his elections."

They stepped through the hatch onto the bridge.

"I've got her, sir." Larry said to the leader of Osea. Pops and her dad are here as well.

"Blaze, I have a new mission for you. We have the location of the coordinates. And get this, it ties in nicely with the Belkan problem we've been having." Harling said.

Blaze became interest. "Really?"

"Well," Pops said, taking over, "the named location is an old abandoned mine in Belka that was used by that country during the war fifteen years ago and later used by A World With No Boundaries. It's the Yering Mine and I used to hear rumors during my time with Belka that that was where all our tactical nukes were being stored."

Blaze's skin went cold hearing that certain word. She knew what it is but she want to ask again for confirmation. "So you're saying..."

Cipher nodded sadly, "Yes, they're shipping the nuclear weapons to both countries."

"If Osea and Yuktobania are both being controlled by Belkan hardliners from the shadows and they get their hands of the nuclear weapons," the President said.

Gab begins to put all the puzzles together. "So, if both countries launch nukes to one another, including to the countries who supports them, it will trigger a nuclear war, or in a worst case, World War III."

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