Chapter 2: The War

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Sand Island Base
September 26th, 2010 1145 hrs

Two days later since the cover-up of the fight on Cape Landers. Sand Island Base becomes quiet. With fewer pilots around now, the less they spend their time hanging around. Which is total boredom for them. Nagase was writing on her book. Something about the poem. But she hope Gab was here so she can get to know her about her. Yesterday, Blaze didn't show up in the Crew Room. Someone said that she was in the hangar helping Pops work on the planes, and stay there until sunset. She doesn't know why but forgets it anyway. She sighs and closes the book, heading to the cafeteria. As she walks across the hallway, someone calls her from behind.

"Hey, Nagase!" She turns around and saw Chopper walking towards her. "Have you seen the Kid?"

"No." She answered. "She probably working with Pops right now."

"Aw man, I want to have a chat with her. I know getting to know a lot about her and everything.." Chopper scratches his head. "I just want to know how she flies like that. And a lot more questions to ask."

"She's not a talkative person as I see."

"Oh really? Then why she call that AWACS Thunderblockhead?"

"You're not planning to date with her, do you?"

"Of course not! Why would I do that?!"

Nagase just shrugged and walks to the cafeteria, followed by Chopper. As they reach the cafeteria, they smell an aroma of the foods served on the counter. This is the first time to smell delicious. They looked at the various foods in each container. One thing they haven't seen is a semi-circle-shaped white bread. "What is that?"

"It's called Steamed Pork Buns. I made them myself."

They looked at the chef who made the Steamed Buns. But they thought it was just a chef? It was their wingman! Blaze!

"Kid?!" Chopper was shocked seeing her on an apron, with a cloth tied around her head. "What are you doing there?"

"Cooking. What else." She answered.

"But. I thought you were working with Pops." Nagase said in curiosity.

"We already finished fixing our planes yesterday. Then in this morning, I asked Hamilton if I can help the chefs cook lunch today and he accepted it." Gab explained it to them which give them a more surprised face.

"I didn't know you can cook."

"It's my hobby." She removes her apron and the cloth, setting it aside. "Let's grab some lunch."

They served baked chicken, beef stew, rice, stir fry, drinks, and steamed pork buns Gab made. Each of them takes a bite on the buns. As the result, they like it. "Oh my god! This is so good!"

"This tastes great!" Nagase complimented as she take another bite. "How did you make this?"

"Classified." She smirks while putting her index finger on her lip, shushing them. "Now don't eat it so fast or you might choke."

"Kid, why the hell you join the Air Force when you can cook and make your own restaurant?"

Blaze laughs a bit about it. "As I said, my family are pilots, so I w to join like them. Plus I love to fly on the blue skies connected to the entire world. Now let's eat before our foods get cold."

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